[h2][b]Louis[/b][/h2] __________________________________________________________________________ Louis couldn't believe she was spitting at him. She was clearly outnumbered, in a place where she clearly had the disadvantage and she was getting her ass beat. Nevertheless, she proceeded to spit and then remark,"Tough guys aren't you, torturing an immobilized girl? What a bunch of cowards you are." He gritted his teeth. He had taken her here out of anger but he did want to see what he was dealing with. She was going to be an ass to break. She was clearly no stranger to this situation and was still able to fight back with words if she couldn't with fists. "If I'm so annoying, why are you still bothering me? You want to teach me to be afraid of you, huh? All I have to do is look at your ugly face and a piece of me dies inside. I bet your mother abandoned you the moment you came out of the womb. This bitch either had a death wish or she just had no ounce of self control. Part of him wanted to kill her here and now. She was so annoying. Most girls begged for their life or stayed quiet, knowing better than to talk back to someone attacking them. "You little bitch."Louis snarled, "Just who do you think you are?" He kicked her hard over and over, enraged. Lindon caught his wrist suddenly, "Louis.." He wondered why the hell Lindon was interrupting him but it was made clear when he noticed the random sticks and leaves slamming into his body as the wind rapidly picked up at an unnatural pace. The sky above was becoming the color of charcoal. She really could control the weather then. He glanced back down at her, "You don't wanna try me, Shay."he said darkly, "[i]You see it's not just you I can hurt.[/i]" He crouched down and touched her cheek with a crazed grin. Threatening her and attacking her was just edging this girl on. He had to take a different approach. "I know the dorm room numbers of all your friends. I know little Rosaline Gale is your room mate and best friend. I know Alexander is your boyfriend and you're quite good friends with Jason and Harry is a childhood friends of yours. Alcina is another close friend who helps you with your schoolwork. Ariana her sister... Garrett your adoptive father. I know you get in a lot of trouble at school often and you like to wear plaid. I know more about you, your life and everyone you care about than you think Shay. Consider everyone you love doomed-" A female voice cut him off. "Another one of your obsessions huh?" The tall and thin girl with shoulder length, wavy blonde hair was sitting on a nearby log, painting her nails with precision despite the wind. "It's almost sad really. Lacking so much love in your life that you go and pick up chicks at the local high school and take them to the forest to beat them. " She laughed at Louis's expression, "Aw. Hit a sensitive note didn't I, big guy?" Lindon straightened up and glared at her. "Fuck off Skylar. She wasn't giving Louis respect. We're gonna run the place soon and this bitch might end up with us or dead. Either way they gotta respect us." "Damien's not going to be happy, Lindon."She said with an eye-roll. "He doesn't want them here without his permission. Especially her. Get off your high horse. No one owes you two losers respect." "I didn't take you for a rule follower."Louis retorted, "Since when were you a goody goody?" "Oh no worries. I'm not." She said with a wink. She tilted her head a bit. Lindon narrowed his brows, stumbling suddenly. He collapsed into the grass on his elbows, suddenly exhausted. He groaned, trying to get up but his attempt only resulted in him laying down. "You bitch. You know we're not supposed to attack each other-"He began to sneer. "Told you I'm not a rule follower." She mused smugly, closing the tube of her red nail polish and setting it down. She raised her arms forward, letting the wind blow at her nails, smiling. "You know Shay, I was really worried that these would take too long to dry but here you are coming in clutch." "I'm going to rip off those fucking whore nails-"Louis growled, leaving Shay's side and going toward Skylar. He didn't understand what had gotten into this bitch. She never intervened nor cared before if superior brought in people. She had a lot of nerve screwing with him right now. He knew deep down she was right. No one was going to really ever love him but he was okay with that. He didn't want deep connections to others either. Being in the superior meant freedom. They could all do what they wanted. No more school, no more work, no more being a game piece in the government's order. He hated the idea of just being raised up to work a mundane job and keep the world running for the sake of everyone else. He was doing things for himself in this life. Being a superior also meant you and anyone around can get caught or killed at any moment. There was no room for love. It would only hurt you. But then he saw Shay and everything had changed. She was so beautiful and so strong. If he could make her be the way he wanted and make her love him, he wouldn't have to be alone like everyone else was. Of course she wouldn't love a killer unless forced to. He had to just break her down until she was so vulnerable he could sculpt her into someone who could love a murderer. This was something Louis thought Skylar would understand. She had been pulled into this lifestyle and killed people herself. Surely she didn't think anyone sane would want to be with her either. She'd have to understand what he was trying to do right? Then it clicked in. She was Alex's sister after all. Why wouldn't she look out for his girlfriend? He stopped before her, an evil smirk crossing his lips. "So that's how it is. You put your old family before the superior. Oh they could kill you if they found out what you're-" "[i]Silence[/i]." Damien's voice boomed as he rapidly approached. He stood before them in a long black jacket, his dark hair neat and his blue eyes glaring right into Louis. "What is she doing here, Louis?"He had yet to gaze upon Shay. "You know we had other plans tonight and I don't need her messing them up." He rolled his eyes, "She won't. I was gonna put her back after I teached her a lesson. She's a rude bitch." "You kidnapped her."Skylar pointed out dryly. Louis glared at her, "Shut up already! I just told you why I did!" Damien rubbed his head, "Louis. Bring her back without anyone seeing you. " "She's attacking us ! Can't you see the wind and storm shit?"Louis cried, "She's not afraid of us! Isn't that an issue?" "Oh? This little breeze?"Damien referred to her wind condescendingly and grinned at Shay, finally looking at her. "Oh that won't be an issue at all Louis. I have a feeling she recognizes me and now knows exactly what she's dealing with. " Louis opened his mouth to reply to that and ended up just closing it without a sound. Damien glanced at him sideways before moving toward Shay and taking her chin in his hand. "You are your father's daughter. Stubborn and fearless with eyes as grey as the clouds you control. Unfortunately that will be the downfall of you both." He roughly let go. "Put her back before I [i]kill[/i] her." "Fine."Louis said lamely. "Stop using your power Shay and I'll take you back to the school." He'd take her back in the forest and give her an even better beating to make sure she was terrified if she wasn't already. He didn't give a shit what Damien said. He immobilized her to make sure she didn't run off.