[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Fraquar Alinstar[/color][/h2] [@Lugubrious][@Caits][@Zarkun][/center] "[color=ed1c24]I got word not to long ago that Fiore's capitol prison was destroyed. Actually, that's too kind a word. It was obliterated. From what I heard, there's only a crater left where the prison formerly stood. Prisoners, staff, and the warden are all dead. However, while the evidence is lacking, I'm pretty sure I can narrow down who did it as one of the prisoners inside. Keep in mind though, this is all mere conjecture and could simply be me being paranoid[/color]." Fraquar said, before pausing so Sanders could needle him for being theories rather then facts. If the general did, Fraquar would just deal with it before continuing. "[color=ed1c24]Now, as you know Jamie, I used to be part of a dark guild. That guild leader was in the prison and he's probably the one that destroyed it. Chances are, someone broke him out. But if he had his way, he probably brought some other prisoners with him. But again, there's nothing left of the place, so there's no evidence to support this theory. But, if he is lose you should both be on guard. He is extremely powerful, shows no value for human life, and there is no line he will not cross to achieve whatever he wants. On top of that, he's obsessed with your daughter Jamie, since they were part of the same experiments. He'll come after her and try to take her. He won't kill her but he'll want her for... other reasons.[/color]" [center][h2][color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@Lugubrious][/center] Amelia listened to the mage who spoke with her, declining her offer while also examining her closely. He seemed to stare at her eyes for a while, which made her uncomfortable and look away. When he finished though, she looked back at the group, giving them a kind smile. "[color=fff200]May I join you out here then? I'd like to know more about you and your companions sir. And please, call me Amelia. No Miss or anything like that.[/color]" She said, showing none of the possibly expected hostility.