[sup]In the tower...[/sup] [center][h1][u]Rustboro City - Fairfax Corporation[/u][/h1][/center] Dropping his bags down near the door, Theo looked around the room with indifference. During his travels he had stayed in all sorts of rooms that had broken down his pickiness for surroundings. Sure, he still had preference for those places that were extravagant and expensive but this room would do him just fine. His Pokemon made their way over to the bed and began bouncing around on it, as was usual, and Theo walked over to the nearest window. From where he stood, a good view of Rustboro city sprawled out before his gaze. The afternoon was still in full swing as the sun perched nearly overhead. Thin wispy clouds floated above and a few bird Pokemon fluttered about. Placing his hands on the surprisingly clean window frame, Theo unlocked it, then pulled the window up slightly. Reaching into his pocket, his fingers closed around a large metal coin and he withdrew it. To call the object a coin was a simplification of what it was probably. Thing is, Theo didn't exactly know what the object was, seeing as he'd come across it laying on the sidewalk years ago when he was a child. As it were the size of his palm when he was a child, Theo now found it to be distinctly larger and thicker than most coins he'd handled. It felt as if it were made of metal, had the distinct brassy shininess and hardness to confirm the theory, but it was never cool to the touch no matter how low the temperature sank. He'd even left it in the freezer to see if it would cool once and the coin maintained it's warmth. The most bizarre aspect of the coin by far was the fact that it was engraved with [url=https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/2/2e/201Unown_H_Dream.png/revision/latest?cb=20141206092515]a weird symbol[/url] some museum associate told him was an ancient language-- that the [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Valuable_item#Valuable_items_that_can_only_be_sold_to_item_maniacs]coin was a relic[/url] of some sort. Said museum associate wanted to take the coin from Theo as well but it was too important to Theo to simply give away. As he placed the coin onto the outer windowsill, he eyed the skies once more, doing a brief check for distinct silhouettes. With a shake of his head, Theo closed the window, then turned back to the room. With the coin on the windowsill, Skarmory would have no trouble figuring out where Theo went. While he wasn't sure if excellent eyesight was distinct among Skarmory, Theo knew that Nick could spot that coin from miles away, at the least. There had been times that Nick had even spotted the coin through a thick jungle canopy or while Theo was stuck in a blizzard. To have this coin placed so high up and in an open area would be too easy for Nick to spot. With that task complete, Theo figured he'd better start planning his tour of Rustboro city. He placed his laptop down upon the small desk, then set about to browsing different sites and tour guides concerning the city and surrounding areas.