[center][h1]Rider[/h1] "Hm?" Rider's gaze drifted from the Church to his diminutive "Master", before tracing her eyes to the pair of women in the distance. They were both garbed in black, and were clearly approaching the Church. It was almost certainly a Servant and her Master. While he normally held something of a distaste for fighting women, he carried the distinct impression that this reluctance would be ill-advised in their current conflict. Besides, if they were a threat to his "Master's" victory, then they needed to die, simple as that. Those who were unwilling to face death shouldn't be on the battlefield. "Looks like our first kill of the night," Rider remarked with a broad grin. He wondered which servant it would be. Saber, if he was lucky, but perhaps Lancer or, given their manner of dress, Caster? Either way, he would know soon enough. Grasping the reins of his mighty steeds, Rider gave them a sharp tug. From Rider and Estelle's perspective, they would charge forth from the roof, sailing through the air towards the pair. The horses screeched their warcries, but they were moving far too quickly for them to be heard by those outside, the chariot having left the realm of sound the moment it began moving again. Indeed, for the two women, all they would see - if they could see anything at all - was a flash of light. By the time the roof Rider had been resting upon ruptured and exploded in a storm of cement, he would already be upon the pair, his sheer speed rending the ground beneath when he drew close. [@VitaVitaAR][/center]