Looking to do a roleplay set in the Twilight universe by Stephanie Meyer. So that'll mean dealing with these themes: -- Mundane Slice of Life vs. Supernatural Threat -- Mortal and Immortal vs. The sheer impracticality of their being together -- Sacrifice, Commitment, Community, Loss, Regret -- The sheer beautiful aesthetic of Forks What I'm looking for: [hider=Vampires] A new Coven of Vampires now live in Forks. They're not the Cullens but they are vegetarian. As expected at least one of them attends high school. A Cullen may live with the family (most likely Alice & Jasper). [/hider] [hider=The Werewolves/Shapeshifters] Bear with me as I try and get the name of the tribes right. There's a lot more room here for new packs, or maybe just a lone wolf in the beginning. With the Vultori (did I spell that right?) threat having gone for a while now the werewolf numbers have shrunk down again. Jacob & Renesme may have stuck around, or maybe not. [/hider] [hider=Witches/Wizards] These witches and wizards are not the Harry Potter kind. To gain their numerous powers requires making continual sacrifices to dark Eldritch abominations, and once you've made the first sacrifice there's no going back. This may be a great way to expand the world, whilst in-keeping it within what has come before. [/hider] [hider=Trickster / Fae / Genie] Where Vampires need blood. Or witches need sacrifices. Fae / Tricksters need to game the 'essence' generated from 'monkey's paw' wishes, or un-happy accidents. This is typically a dark way to live, but just like how the vampires can go vegetarian, the tricksters find inventive (and tough) ways to keep their tricks and troubles to a minimum. I'm thinking there could be a 'genie bottle' element here too, where-in the Genies are most vulnerable if separated from their 'vessel' whatever that may be. [/hider] [hider=Pairings] Teenage Boy x Vampire Girl Teenage Boy x Werewolf Girl Teenage Boy x Coven Witch Girl Teenage Boy x Trickster Fae / Genie [/hider] [hider=My Character] I'm looking to play a teenage boy who is relatively normal in the beginning, but has a sort of 'madness' within him that he is trying to conquer. He's a little unhinged, he's a little dangerous. I'm happy to adapt his character to be best match the pairing in the RP. [/hider]