[hider= Master][center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/c1881766e5f43412e9aeae900b4a0c61.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][b]Nergui Ganzorig[/b][/i] [i]Spellcaster of Barbaric Might[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Nergui Huan-Ji Ganzorig [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Personality:[/b] What is best in life? No, nothing about slaying enemies and their women. To have good enemies is to have lived a good life, to have endured struggles of mind and body is the sign of a true character, to feel and experience as much as possible within the short span of consciousness we have as ‘us’, that is what is best in life. To conquer, not just other individuals, but your own weaknesses and misgivings, to rise above the limits set before you - that is what is best in life. Everything else is simply monotony, the safe path most walked. That is the philosophy of Nergui. A larger than life character, Nergui is a man who is dedicated vanquishing his disadvantages of self, and ascending what he was merely moments before. An intense and intimidating individual from the outset, Nergui actually holds very little in the way of negative emotion in his heart, a largely positive individual who only sees the best in being challenged. He can see the value in things like the long-term self-good of virtue, but he also appreciates the momentary pleasures and hedonism, partaking of both things equally. Things like this ‘Grail War’ are a means to entertain himself, to have a good fight, to earn money, but above all else, to better himself and learn from the experiences of others. Be it through conversation, or through their fists, Nergui is a man who likes to discuss the world. [b]Biography:[/b] Negrui Ganzorig has no one role he follows. He is very much a wanderer, going from place to place and taking on odd work as he involves himself in the culture of the area he is currently visiting. He has been a kebab chef, nightclub security, tour guide, and many other things. In the mundane world, he partakes in mundane things. But in the midnight world, he is something of a known element. A Spellcaster - an individual who makes use of magecraft, not to find the Records, but for their own interests - who takes on work from other magus and other supernaturally involved people as close security and enforcement, he revels in the opportunity to fight and converse with those who are also exceptional beings, those who have surpassed the limits of humanity. The Spellcaster known as Ganzorig was not always a world warrior. The very few remaining shaman of the Mongolian steppe and Gobi desert are not a modern people, living among small, poor rural communities, surviving off of the land and through the mercy of the elements. Though barren and difficult to live off, the Steppe is yet still a place of wonder, where the open plains meet the heavens in a seemingly never ending stretch. It is a blessed place, and it is for that reason that the Tengrist shaman have never left their ancestral home to better modernize and thrive in the modern world. A weak child born to this place must have something to protect them, if they cannot rely on their body, be they common folk or shaman. For Negrui, initially sickly, it was his mind of steel. An unbreakable resolve even in the face of a fate which seemed to be against him. This will saw him confront a pack of Steppe wolves. While in theory an easy meal for those predators in the middle of the night, the blood of the apprentice shaman was not spilled. Encircling him, he did not back away, nor quiver or shake, feeling no fear. If that was to be the boy’s death, to return to the Great Eternal Blue so soon, then so be it. He would not escape the call of his ancestor, the Blue Wolf. No blood was spilled. The predators backed away. On that blessed Steppe, it was as if Negrui was visited by something far greater. From then onwards, his persistent weakness seemed to fade, allowing him to grow and thrive as a man of the Steppe should. His mentor, upon hearing of this event, and seeing the effects of it upon the young Negrui, named him ‘Ganzorig’, Iron Courage. In truth, Negrui is not the greatest Shaman to come out of their traditions in recent memory. Even seemingly blessed by the ancestor-beings, his mentor yet still overpowers him. Where his mentor is a monster of the elements in human flesh, Ganzorig is merely a man - a man who tries to thrive in this weird world. [b]Family History:[/b] Although the name ‘Ganzorig’ is one given to him by his mentor, Nergui’s family has a long tradition of Tengri Shamanism, (or Shamanism of the Eternal Blue). Naturally, their craft is considered backwater and unusual by both western and eastern magus. It is an exceedingly rare craft, which has somehow managed to survive to this day. [b]Origin:[/b] Primal [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Fire [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] C [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] C [b]Od:[/b] A [b]Magecraft: [/b] [i]Tengri Totemism[/i] A totem, in short, is a spiritual being and/or object which represents a culture, family, lineage or tradition. The craft ot totemism is one that can be associated to the wider idea of the creation of ‘guardians’ in western magecraft, entities which protect the territory of a magus. The Tengrist tradition within Negrui’s lineage is somewhat different from their cousins across the world. Negrui’s body is the totem, host to the entities which represent the Tengrists of the Mongolian Steppe. Most notably, his body is ‘supported’ by the Blue Wolf (Borte Chono) and Fallow Doe (Gua Maral). They do not inhabit his body directly, such would be suicide, but they do lend him power through the turkic ‘runes’ and characters which consist of the totem across Negrui’s body. The ‘entity’ of the totem is one which facilitates a connection between two greater beings, the two ultimate creatures of Mongolian myth. As their champion in the modern era, he may call on strength, speed and durability beyond that of a man. He is blessed with the senses and vitality to match, filled with the energy of a stallion, the ears of a wolf, and the eyes of a hawk. On top of this, any wounds he may receive heal at an accelerated rate, turning a lethal, but survivable. wound into an affair of a few days rest, and a removed limb being capable of relatively easy reattachment. There’s a certain primitive and primal element when observing Negrui’s body in action, reminding one more of a beast than a man or magus. He brings forth the idea of a man born in the wrong era, of a leader of clansmen and conqueror of the undeserving. A benevolent tyrant, maybe. [i]Great Eternal Blue Plains, the Conqueror's Mount Thunders [/i] Other than the totemic alterations to his body, this technique is the only other magecraft which Negrui has access to. It is not intended to harm, but to remove deceptions and dishonesty between men. Through a four count aria and a forceful stomp of his foot, Negrui casts a spell to disrupt and/or break illusions and restraints on himself, with the aim of allowing himself to fight truthfully. Heaven's Forecast Through use of something as simple as a few pebbles and a puddle of water, Negrui is capable of getting accurate and precise read of upcoming weather for up to a weeks notice. It's a relatively minor application of his craft, but it is one which is still used even among the common folk of the Steppe. Equipment: x3 Books. Nothing special about them, just two pieces of fiction and an autobiography. [b]Wraith Request Form[/b] [b]Designation:[/b] Magus or Non-Magus. As long as they lived their life as they wished to. He's not a picky guy. Skills: [i]Survivalist[/i] Negrui has gone quite some time in the wilderness by himself, be it a desert or a jungle. He is aware of how to look after himself and others in such an environment, from preparation of food to setting up shelter and navigation, he is quite handy to have around if you’re lost in the middle of nowhere. [i]Magus-Killer[/i] While not one who makes a living by killing magi, he has had to do the deed in the past a number of times, enough so that he has quite a good sense when it comes to combatting them. [i]Primal Conflict[/i] There is no real martial art to how Negrui fights. When he does, he fights with the natural intuition granted to all man, with the common sense of how his body functions, with the understanding of what hurts, what will be effective, and what will not be. Of course, he knows how to punch and kick properly, but that is not a martial art. It is the most primordial form of conflict for men, a beastly means of using one's limbs and the environment around them as weapons. Still, while there is no ‘art’ to it, it is a notably effective way of fighting. [/hider]