[@VitoftheVoid] Here's a first draft of the character. I've gone with a god of my own, but have tried to fit it into the existing lore. [hider=hiders makes the world go 'round] [b]Full Name:[/b] Thorfinn [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Blotare (Sacrificer) [b]Age:[/b] 34. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Occupation/Class:[/b] Cleric/priest. Kingdom of Origin: Aressa [b]Description:[/b] Thorfinn is a man who has lived a relatively good life up until very recently. His body is well-built with a fine layer of fat and skin that is still soft in his hands. His body is free from scars (bar recent events) and he still have all his teeth in reasonable condition. He has begun to lose his hair, and his dark blonde hairline is more than a hand’s width above his eyebrows. The eyebrows themselves are bushy and thick, which perfectly complements his likewise thick, bushy and blonde beard. His green eyes (with crow’s feet at the edges) are still young and have a spark of life left in them. Being a prisoner he is barefoot, dressed in rags and dirty. An old wound has come back to haunt him, making him walk with a noticeable limp. [b]Equipment:[/b] Nothing more than the clothes on his back, and not even they are his. [b]Personality: [/b]Thorfinn is at his core a happy man, and a man that can inspire others. He knows the power of words and gestures, that a compliment and praise at the right time can move mountains, and that a meal shared ties a bond stronger than steel. He knows how to live and enjoys good beer, roasted meat and dancing women. His god is not one so strict as to deny its followers the simple joys in life. Thorfinn prides himself with his ability to sit down next to anyone, king or thief, he will shun no one. [b]Skills:[/b] Speech - Thorfinn is used to speaking in front of large groups of people, something that will make most people stutter and use the universal phrase “um” at least once every sentence. Thorfinn on the other hand can speak loudly, clearly and with conviction. Knowledge - Clerics doesn’t just walk around with their heads in the clouds. Most of them takes up a second occupation to pass the time, many clerics takes up writing, gardening, architecture or cooking. Thorfinn took to reading, while he is no expert in any particular field he can show a surprising amount of knowledge about almost anything. Healing - While not even close to as good as a proper doctor or witch, Thorfinn has practiced enough medicine to deal with many common injuries and ailments. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] A lover, not a fighter - Thorfinn has not been in many fights, and all of his martial prowess is the experience from said fights. He walks in the shadow of gods - A lot of Thorfinn’s power is based on his god, with the right people he could amass an army, move mountains or burn an entire continent to the ground. In a world where atheism is enforced by law… Not so much. [b]Fatal Flaw:[/b] A man of many theories - Thorfinn is by no means an athlete or even a capable worker. His trade is one of words and he literally hasn’t done an honest day’s worth of hard work in his life. He lacks skills, stamina and strength. [b]Brief History:[/b] Thorfinn was recruited at a very young age to be a cleric by a traveling preacher. He never learned how to do a proper job but learned how to read, write, count and speak instead. Apart from the endless traveling it was a fairly good life. Everywhere he went people met him with smiles, open arms and food. One of Thorfinn's most important jobs was to send sacrifices to his god, Vigo, the god of death, to keep him entertained. This was often done as part of a great feast or at least a bigger social gathering. That all changed when [s]the fire nation attacked[/s] he stumbled on a patrol of Yulian soldiers. They realised what he was before he figured out who they were and hand him in shackles before he’d had a chance to at least attempt a daring escape. He went off to meet the inquisitors, to be tortured and either converted or executed. Turns out that conversion is quite difficult and Thorfinn is scheduled for execution. [b]Other:[/b] Thorfinn can hear the voice of god. [hider=The God] [b]Vigo God of journeys, storytelling and death. Guardian of the white flame and the secrets of the gods. Patron of wanderers, travelers and sailors.[/b] Often portrayed as a raven or crow. Always present, but never in the spotlight. Vigo’s main job is to guard the sacred vault to make sure that Tinon’s white flame does not escape or is stolen. After creating the world, Tinon created the sacred vault to hold the flame until the end. To make sure no one could steal it he placed the vault in the middle of the endless land of death. But even the sacred vault could not suppress the light. Fearing that his light would be stolen, Tinon tasked his youngest son Vigo with guarding it. Vigo is a god of death, and he stands alone in the endless darkness that awaits the dead. He listens to the life stories of everyone who finds him and gives them a place in the darkness. Every now and then someone comes along with a most fantastic tale that brightens up Vigo’s endless vigil. Such people are granted a fraction of the white flame’s light before they are given their place in the endless darkness. (The night sky is the land of death). [/hider] [/hider]