"I'm glad you made it Nippy." a voice vibrated through Nippikin's suit. He looked up to see Mia standing above him, seemingly no worse for ware. Although she herself was also perspiring heavily. Nippikin shot up on his tentacles, leaning over the young nurse. "I am happy that you did not die!" he said, as sincerely as his vocalizer allowed. "It was a close one," she admitted "I would have been dust if not for that Noxarra." Nippikin remembered seeing a Noxarra and some humans earlier in the day, it must not have been a coincidence. He made a note to himself to thank the Noxarra himself when next he saw them. Mia continued talking "I've been helping in cargo bay 3, was coming to see if any other's needed help, but I see these folks are in your hands." "Thanks for checking, I will not worry about bay 3 than either." Nippikin said, turning back to re-enter the bay. "You still owe me lunch by the way," she said, Nippikin stopped dead in his tracks, he did owe her lunch, and he wasn't one to go against his word. "Soon it shall be dinner time," the Gulin muttered to himself, deep in thought over how he could remedy the terrible situation he had found himself in. "Than we shall have dinner together," Mia responded as she turned to leave. "Come hell or high water." Nippikin wasn't sure what this phrase meant, but in context he assumed it meant "No matter what". Indeed, he would see her again, that was good.