[hider=Franklin] [center][h1][color=firebrick][b]Free State of Franklin[/b][/color][/h1][/center][center][img]https://www.collinsflags.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Chattanooga-Flag-Old.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][color=firebrick][b]Territory[/b][/color][/h2] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319180574583554049/341782349240860673/franklin_2.png[/img] The counties of Greene, Sullivan, Washington, Carter, Johnson, Cocke, Sevier, Blount, Jefferson, Hamblen, and Hawkins. Capital is in Greene County. [h2][color=firebrick][b]History[/b][/color][/h2] The Smokies were the lifeblood of Eastern Tennessee. Pre-war, this powerhouse of mining, renewable and nonrenewable energy, and resilient people was an asset to the entire nation. And on the date of the Cataclysm, the day the Earth stood still, this range was left yet untouched. Save for the levelling of Knoxville and adjacent Oak Ridge Nuclear Plant, the valley between the Cumberlands and Smokies was a haven for life, a Noah’s Ark of the land. Primitives hid amongst the peaks, humans which had nearly forgotten themselves, their lives before. Spurred by the exaggerated oral tradition of the rugged men from the Far East, beyond the mountains, which had conquered savage lands on the will of God, they too believed as much. One and a half centuries ago, the Great Reclamation began. Initially mere Nomads and Natives which lived free, fending from the hostile wildlife amongst them, they progressed as technology had. Force after force, Crusade after crusade made to force the Evils from the valley. And these Evils were not men or beast, not flesh and blood, but personages of steel. Disillusioned androids, soldiers thinking themselves not unlike humans, as warriors for their ‘tribes’ had persecuted and raided the Primitives for too long. The Reclamation saw steel shells on stakes, metal heads with loose bulbs on pikes. It was a violent endeavor, with great loss of life, but the Primitives, soon known by oral tradition as the ‘Franklinites’, were free. And this freedom set a spark in the heart of every Franklinite from the lowest part of the valley to the highest peak. They [i]were[/i] free, given this land by God. And they determined themselves to remain so. Great works were inspired, philosophy thrived, and as did the government which formed itself. The Council, presided upon by the Governor, ruled, limited only by the law of the land, the Franklin Compact. And each and every member of the Council, including the Governor himself, was elected by the people and for the people. [h2][color=firebrick][b]Stance on Automatons[/b][/color][/h2] Being a people which so defeated those that had once resided in their rightful land, their endeavors with external nations brought scrutiny against these ‘metal men’, both within their borders and abroad. Though the initial thought was to determine that no android was innocent, that there were none that could not do harm, the Free State has become increasingly progressive, both within the government and population. Though automatons are not openly exiled or killed en masse, the line of segregation between the two populations still stands. Cases of unequal opportunity such as housing denial or rejection of work based on the being of a man of metal are still commonplace. [h2][color=firebrick][b]Culture[/b][/color][/h2] WIP [h2][color=firebrick][b]Military[/b][/color][/h2] WIP [/hider]