[hider=The Kid-Sword the Mushroom!][center][h2]Bonesword[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/La5eN7W.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b]Basics[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Flint Darts Jingoston is his name, but he's since then taken up Bonesword [b]Epithet:[/b] The Mushroom Kid [b]Race:[/b] Once Human. [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] A skeletal figure of a nine year old child, adorned with a purple and green mushroom crown on his head, and carrying a sword far too large for his small figure should this be any other setting. [b]Position:[/b] Swordsman [b]Bounty:[/b] 0 [hider=Jolly Roger][img]http://i.imgur.com/YwRW5ea.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][h3][b]Background[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Ambition:[/b] Bonesword is adventuring with the crew in order to strengthen the powers granted to him by the Kojo-Kojo-no-Mi, and as such, he desires to chronicle every single plant in the world in order to figure out what the true potential of his powers are. [b]Likes:[/b][list][*]Gardening [*]Puns [*]Sparring [*]Alcohol [*]Sand [*]Fish in a barrel[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b][list][*]Fire [*]Talking about his past [*]Any other sword he has to wield[/list] [b]Quirks:[/b] Bonesword will never be without his sword. There is solid reasoning for this, but he also enjoys being near the one thing that he knows will keep him safe in case he's ever in danger. It acts as both his safety blanket and his teddy bear, as he sleeps with it at night. He also occasionally uses the blade as if it was an extension of different body parts, so he'd peek corners using his sword pretty often. He also has tea parties with it from time to time, and it's incredibly awkward when you walk in uninvited. [b]Personality:[/b] Bonesword is an energetic young skeleton who eagerly tries to show that he was prepared to take life by the horns. Even though he's a raging alcoholic with no way to get drunk, he will give everything he's got when he does anything he has to, be it collecting fish to put in a barrel or a duel of fates. He's a bit emotionally unstable from his dad's death, but that wouldn't mess with him unless someone brought up how Bonesword was raised or asked if he had any family. Either way, that's unimportant when compared to Bonesword's code of honor, the one he picked up as the cabin boy for the Second Chance Pirates. "Everyone deserves a second chance." [b]History:[/b] Born to an unknown mother and father, Bonesword's life quickly accelerated when he was abandoned at the age of 4 by his parents who deposited him on the ship belonging to the crew of pirates known as the Second Chance Pirates. The only thing that he was left with was a longsword, far too large for him to use at his age, and his dirty old clothes. When the first mate, Jingo, found the small boy, barely anything but skin and bones, and he showed him to the captain. The captain of the Second Chance Pirates gave the young boy some food, which he accepted graciously, and he allowed for the boy to remain on the ship until they found him a suitable home. They were the Second Chance Pirates, after all, and they went by a strict code of giving other's a chance. This kid was no exception. Taken under the wing of Jingo and taught in the ways of the sword, BS showed surprising prowess with using a sword that was too large for him. That being said, he was never able to best Jingo in a fight, especially with BS slowly becoming more and more like a skeleton as time progressed. That being said, if the child was slowly weakening from the fight, he wasn't showing it at all. Despite the alternative strength relation, Jingo still showed worry when it came to BS's health, and he expressed to his captain to let the child take the devil fruit that the Second Chance Pirates were already hunting for. The captain mulled over the idea for a bit, but left the idea floating in the air for Jingo. About 4 years after picking up BS, as the Second Chance Pirates stumbled across an unknown island far away from the ports, they found a single instance of a fabled devil fruit, and when they returned it to the ship for the remaining crew members to see, the crew was struck with shock when the captain revealed that it would be placed in the hands of Jingo. He was the decider of who received the fruit, and naturally, he had to go and give the child below deck his life. It was a stretch, but it was a better idea than nothing. Instead, a flurry of flowers popped out around a disgusted child when BS took a bite out of the fruit, and while he was rather disgusted at it, he felt another kind of power surge through his almost-nonexistent veins. While he continued losing his muscle mass and skin until he was nothing left but a skeleton of what he once was, as Bonesword returned to the ports with Jingo and the rest of the crew, he challenged Jingo to another fight, where he won with the help of his newfound abilities given to him by the Kojo Kojo no Mi (Plant-Plant Fruit). Jingo smiled at the sight of his pupil being able to best him, despite his kid being only a walking pile of bones. Once the crew made it back to the port, BS was separated from Jingo when he was busy looking at a pile of fish in a barrel, and when BS finally found Jingo, he also saw two nicely dressed gentlemen, one armed with a pretty large gun, and it was aimed at Jingo's head. That was the day BS's life changed forever, as within a single minute Jingo was on the ground, lying in a pool of his own blood. The skeleton kid couldn't weep, but if he could, there would be a metric pile of tears that day. The well-dressed killers looked upon the child, and while they originally were going to kill him too, they realized that he was just some kid, and they should just leave him alive. It was traumatic enough for him to see Jingo die right in front of him anyway. As the killers ran away, BS curled up in the puddle of blood that surrounded Jingo's lifeless body, and he laid there until someone came to take Jingo's body away. Upon the sight of BS, the janitor (we'll call him that) apologized to the kid out of sympathy, and had the kindness to take the kid to his home, where he was given a fresh pair of clothes and something to eat. That night, Bonesword left after wiping up some stew that he got on the floor and he paid the janitor a small amount of money. Bonesword went back to the ship, only to find it missing. The Second Chance Pirates were disbanded because they lost their swordsman and first mate, and the captain had finished his adventuring days off finally. The crew separated and went on their ways, either joining new crews or simply starting their lives anew. BS wasn't ready to start living alone, so he looked around for another crew willing to take him in. This brings us here. [center][h3][b]Combat Specialties[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] For the majority of his entire life, Bonesword has trained under the swordsman of the Second Chance Pirates. As such, Bonesword is very capable with a sword, able to swing a sword almost as tall as he is without much effort while being able to swing the same sword with efficiency and expertise. From his experience with the Kojo-Kojo-no-Mi, Bonesword has become an experienced botanist, and is able to tell how well a plant can grow in certain environments, and he's written down every single plant he's come across in his journal of truth should he ever forget. The odds of him forgetting, however are next to none considering he retains all botanical knowledge he's acquired. [b]Devil Fruit:[/b] The Kojo-Kojo-no-Mi, or the Plant Plant fruit, allows for Bonesword to manipulate and grow plants out of seemingly anywhere as long as he has a free hand, and he is just as able to utilize the variety of what he grows tenfold. While he cannot grow plants he has seen yet, he can force a plant to grow at an increased rate, with a single plant being able to take only mere seconds to grow should he concentrate on it. If the conditions are unfavorable for a plant, the ability Bonesword has over it's growth will be impacted negatively, to the point where it may be downright denied (surface of growth does not affect this). [b]Haki:[/b] LOCKED [b]Gear:[/b] The Shroomblade - A 40" longsword emblazened with the same musroom crown as Bonesword, this sword was cursed far back in the past with the Hiro-Hiro-no-Mi, or Leech Leech fruit. The sword itself draws upon the life force of it's wielder, turning them into a zombie while increasing it's own power, and the blade's power is further increased when it tastes the blood of an opponent. The Botanical Chronicle - A large notebook, containing within it a large amount of botanical knowledge. Written by Bonesword himself, the journal has a lot of blank pages for the future entries that BS is concerned with learning about and applying. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Bonesword likes to play on the defensive, raising up a respectable defense to counter an opponents offense, but he will shift to being a stunning one-handed offense if he needs to. While he's a short kid, he's very mobile in a fight and he uses this to his advantage whether he's dodging or attacking. In any case, unless an enemy has proven that they're a bag of dicks, Bonesword will treat them with respect and honor if he has to dispose of them. [b]Techniques:[/b] Honor Strike - Emblazon an enemy with a slash that does increased damage, fueled by the respect that Bonesword had for the late Jingo. The blade interestingly shines with a green reflection when this attack is being used, and while Bonesword can use it once a day, he'll find an expert time to apply the slash when he needs to fight. Sword-Jump - By using his blade as a semi-third leg, Bonesword can leap great distances in the air, with the highest jump he's ever accomplished being around 20-25 feet high when it was just vertical. Vinepunch - Bonesword, interestingly, is able to control straight vines by shooting them out of the ground, and while this can be applied to grabbing things at long distances or having a third arm, Bonesword mainly propels a vine as a punch for some easy damage. [center][h3][b]Nakama[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Crewmate Name:[/b] OMITTED FOR NOW Oh, and it's a pirate's life for me. No that's not enthusiastic enough. [b][i][u]YO HO YO HO A PIRATES LIFE FOR ME MOTHERFUCKERS[/u][/i][/b][/hider] I'm about 20% sure I need to go over some stuff, especially considering I know fuckall about One Piece, but eh. I'm fine with throwing it at you for now.