[center][img]http://yattatachi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Yatta-Tachi-Writers-Anime.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [color=goldenrod]Era Tsukino[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=goldenrod]17[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=goldenrod]Inviting, energetic, sweet, and impulsive.[/color] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [color=goldenrod]Photography, calligraphy, and reading comics.[/color] [b]Ambitions:[/b] [color=goldenrod]Era plans to stick around Tamashini. Her parents run a well-known photography shop as they sell pictures to books and magazines. She has been taught and entrusted to carry on the family name. Era wants to show the rest of Japan and even the world, the beauty of the countryside. It is a firm wish within her heart, that she shares nature with the bustling cities like Osaka and Tokyo, believing they in their need to expand the automotive and technology industries, will forget how necessary it is to preserve nature. A lover of the wilderness, she wants to keep on living so she protect the town she loves, as well as its surrounding areas. If she could live in the mountains, practice her photography and protect the woods from hungry land developers, she would consider her life to be well-lived. Era is ferocious in her need to embrace the forest and to make others see its importance.[/color] [b]Uncertainties:[/b] [color=goldenrod]She is afraid of the dark and even when developing film at her family shop in town, she is uneasy. Along with not enjoying the darkness, she possesses a fear for airplanes, finding them unreliable and untrustworthy, vowing never to go on one, deciding to put her faith in buses, cars, trains and boats. She is very firm in this belief. Era, despite her eye for great landscapes, has a low level of spiritual awareness. Instead, she has good spiritual adaptation and strength which she will use to create long spirit claws from her fists, much like the Marvel character Wolverine.[/color][/center] [center]- - - & - - -[/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/13/80/99/1380994d44d133e7a59ca47ee56276c2--pretty-anime-girl-beautiful-anime-art.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [color=wheat]Hime Masami[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=wheat]18[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=wheat]Dignified, humble, tidy, pedantic.[/color] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [color=wheat]Taking walks, writing poetry, and gardening.[/color] [b]Ambitions:[/b] [color=wheat]The slow pace of the countryside has always agreed with Hime. She has no interest in the city life and views many who pine for it or who come from it, to be rather uncouth. It is Hime's belief that the country life is how one can feel most at home, their soul so close to the earth itself. She wishes to leave no impression on the earth and accepts that she may die without having made a lasting impression. She values life as it is, accepting its unpredictable nature and knows so few accomplish anything noteworthy to be remembered long after they have passed. What fuels her soul to keep living is her drive to see more of the world and its beauty. While she accepts her life as likely having no impact on anyone, she wishes to help others find their own inner truth.[/color] [b]Uncertainties:[/b] [color=wheat]Due to Hime's honest outlook on life and her own ability to make much of an impact, she fears ceasing to exist. She views things simply and wishes she could put faith in a higher power but logically fails to see proof in such an afterlife. She fears making no contribution to anyone or anything, even though it's something she sees to likely happen. Hime has a decent level of awareness and adaptation. She has abysmal levels of strength and as such has decided to use a spirit whip. It is meant to attack and grab objects with sharp precision. Her whip is not meant for lengthy fights and is used to grab at arms and legs or items, than it is to inflict much damage.[/color] [/center]