[@HylianRose][@JBRam2002] [hider=Jake] [IMG]http://tu9srvbirvvtmjqkati4lnrpbnlwawmuy29t.g00.thefashionspot.com/g00/2_Zm9ydW1zLnRoZWZhc2hpb25zcG90LmNvbQ==_/TU9SRVBIRVVTMjQkaHR0cDovL2kyOC50aW55cGljLmNvbS8zM3o3MTM4LmpwZz9pMTBjLm1hcmsuaW1hZ2UudHlwZQ==_$/$[/IMG] [color=darkorange]Name:[/color] Jake Evanston [color=darkorange]Age:[/color] 19 [color=darkorange]In-depth Appearance:[/color] Jake is a 6'1" guy that is very physically fit. He isn't super muscley though. He plays sports quite often. He was one of the best on the school's soccer team. Jake is very tan due to the fact he likes swimming outside and always offers to play skins during pickup games just to mess with the other guys. He has brown eyes and dark brown hair. He typically lets his hair run wild but will occasionally make it look nice. Jake is nearly always smiling. The smile will disappear if someone makes him mad by doing something to his friends. Jake tends to dress casually but on special occasions, he likes to dress up. His attire tends to consist of jeans or shorts, t-shirt or a button up unbuttoned with an undershirt, and tennis shoes or flip-flops. [color=darkorange]Personality:[/color] Jake is a very easy guy to understand. He loves helping people. It makes him happy to see others safe and happy. This is probably due to the fact that his heroes are his father and uncle who are both cops. Each gives their all to the community and Jake is so much like both of them. Rarely thinking of himself Jake constantly puts other safety before his own. He's outgoing, energetic, and a great friend. He is very much a social butterfly and loves hanging out with his friends. [color=darkorange]Backstory:[/color] Jake was raised by his father and mother in a small town where everyone knows each other and secret seems to be etched out of the dictionary. It's not like people didn't try to keep a secret. It's just that when you live in a small town it's hard. The people Jake looked up to the most were some of the most well-liked individuals in the community. Jake's father and uncle were friends with everyone so Jake and his cousins seemed to be raised by everyone in town since no one wanted to see the children of these men turn out bad. Jake wanted to be just like them and so his dream was to be a police officer. Cliche of a kid but he didn't care and he stuck with it. If he wasn't doing school work, playing sports, or helping someone he was training his body. He wanted to stay as fit as he could because he knew it'd help him for sure. During the middle of his fifth-grade year, his family moved to a new town which was somewhat larger than his current town. That's where he met a large majority of his friends. He also met his best friend Alex during this time. Years later is when he was introduced to the rest of the group. [color=darkorange]Future Plans:[/color] Start off by becoming a police officer and he would eventually like to be apart of the FBI. [color=darkorange]Likes/Dislikes:[/color] [color=00a651]Action Movies Outdoors Sports Trying New Things Parties[/color] [color=ed1c24]Disrespect Bullying Prejudice Shallowness[/color] [url=] - [/url] [sub][i][b][/b][/i][/sub] [color=darkorange]Colorcode:[/color] Darkorange [color=darkorange]FC: Dave Franco[/color] [/hider] [hider=Q&A]1. What are your names? [color=darkorange]"Jacob Samuels Evanston, but most people call me Jake."[/color] 2. Do you know why you were named that? [color=darkorange]"Not really. Never thought to ask."[/color] 3. What are you? [color=darkorange]"A billionaire playboy philanthropist. Just kidding I'm just an average guy."[/color] 4. What's your gender? [color=darkorange]"I already said I was a guy."[/color] 5. How old are you? [color=darkorange]"Nineteen."[/color] 6. What do you think your life expectancy is? [color=darkorange]"I don't even really know how to answer this question."[/color] 7. What's your height? [color=darkorange]"I am 6'1"."[/color] 8. What's your eye color? [color=darkorange]"Brown."[/color] 9. How about hair color? [color=darkorange]"Brown."[/color] 10. Do you think you're attractive? [color=darkorange]"Sure. Lot's of people have told me I am."[/color] 11. Do you have any features that you want to get rid of, if you could? [color=darkorange]"Uhh, I don't know. That's kinda a weird question."[/color] 12. How would you introduce yourself? If you are famous in your world, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you? [color=darkorange]"I'd just introduce myself as I normally would."[/color] 13. Have any abilities or powers? [color=darkorange]"I can alter the density of anything I touch. No, of course not. It'd be cool though."[/color] 14. Stop being a Mary-sue! [color=darkorange]"What's a Mary-Sue?"[/color] 15. What do you usually wear? [color=darkorange]"Clothes obviously."[/color] 16. Do you ever walk around naked? [color=darkorange]"I have before, but it's not a usual occurrence."[/color] 17. Ever cross-dressed before? [color=darkorange]"Nah. At least I don't think so."[/color] 18. What do you wear to bed? [color=darkorange]"Boxers."[/color] 19. What's in your pockets right now? [color=darkorange]"Lint."[/color] 20. To what social class do you belong? [color=darkorange]"Middle class."[/color] 21. What is your job? [color=darkorange]"Well, it will be a college student after summer."[/color] 22. What is your lifelong dream? [color=darkorange]"To have a fulfilling life."[/color] 23. What is your worst nightmare? [color=darkorange]"Not having my friends."[/color] 24. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? [color=darkorange]"If ya ask I'll tell ya. Unless you're a person that I don't like."[/color] 25. What's one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your personality? [color=darkorange]"Umm I like that I'm determined, but I dislike that I can get angry easily."[/color] 26. What do you do on a regular basis? [color=darkorange]"Uh whatever seems fun."[/color] 27. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? [color=darkorange]"Whatever's fun."[/color] 28. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like. [color=darkorange]"Cleaning."[/color] 29. What are you most afraid of? [color=darkorange]"Someone I care about getting hurt."[/color] 30. Have any secrets? [color=darkorange]"Everyone has secrets."[/color] 31. Name your worst habits? [color=darkorange]"I play too many practical jokes on my friends I guess."[/color] 32. Any nasty indulgences, like smoking or gambling? [color=darkorange]"Nope."[/color] 33. Have any of you ever done illegal things knowingly (don't include petty things like jaywalking)? What were they? [color=darkorange]"No way. My dad would utterly kill me. He'd kill be and then burn my body. He'd revive me then repeat the process over again."[/color] 34. Are you one to hold a grudge? [color=darkorange]"It depends really."[/color] 35. What do you do when you're upset? [color=darkorange]"I get mad? This question doesn't make sense. How would anyone know what they would do.."[/color] 36. What's one thing that could potentially cause you to go into a blind rage? [color=darkorange]"If someone attacked my friends."[/color] 37. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? [color=darkorange]"A few things. Don't feel like listing them right now."[/color] 38. What's your preferred weapon of choice? [color=darkorange]"Hmm, a pistol."[/color] 39. What is your favorite color? [color=darkorange]"Orange."[/color] 40. Favorite drink? [color=darkorange]"Mountain Dew."[/color] 41. Alright. What's your favorite food? [color=darkorange]"Pizza."[/color] 42. What are your thoughts on pie? [color=darkorange]"It's pie."[/color] 43. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? [color=darkorange]"Gold Mine. It's basically rich chocolate, french vanilla, and caramel."[/color] 44. Where are you from? [color=darkorange]"North Carolina."[/color] 45. What's your favorite place? [color=darkorange]"Anywhere my friends are."[/color] 46. What's your least favorite place? [color=darkorange]"The sewers would probably suck."[/color] 47. Where do you wish you could be right now, regardless of whether it's real or not? [color=darkorange]"Tomorrowland might be cool."[/color] 48. What is the first thing you tend to notice when you first meet someone? [color=darkorange]"Their attitude."[/color] 49. What is your favorite season? [color=darkorange]"Fall."[/color] 50. Do you believe in love at first sight? [color=darkorange]"It's a potential."[/color] 51. Gay, straight, or bi? [color=darkorange]"Straight as a ruler.."[/color] 52. Are you interested in anyone? [color=darkorange]"Yeah."[/color] 53. What do you look for in a partner? [color=darkorange]"Someone who is kind."[/color] 54. What's your idea of a perfect date? [color=darkorange]"Just spending time with the person."[/color] 55. Are you single or taken? [color=darkorange]"Taken."[/color] 56. Are you a virgin? [color=darkorange]"Yeah."[/color] 57. Have you ever kissed anyone? If so, who was your first? Who was your last? [color=darkorange]"I don't think so."[/color] 58. What is your favorite thing to touch? [color=darkorange]"That is a weird question."[/color] 59. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? [color=darkorange]"Yeah, of course."[/color] 60. Have any family members? [color=darkorange]"Yup."[/color] 61. Oh? How about pets? [color=darkorange]"A Siberian Husky named Roman."[/color] 62. How many friends do you have? [color=darkorange]"To many to count."[/color] 63. If the one you cared most about in your life were to somehow die today, how would you react and what would you do? [color=darkorange]"I'd probably end up breaking down. Eventually I'd get my act together though."[/color] 64. Do you look up to anyone at all? [color=darkorange]"My dad and uncle of course."[/color] 65. Do you hate anyone? [color=darkorange]"I don't think so."[/color] 66. Who is your worst enemy? [color=darkorange]"Myself honestly."[/color] 67. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before? [color=darkorange]"I hope not."[/color] 68. Ever... killed anyone before? [color=darkorange]"In video games."[/color] 69. Under what circumstances do you think killing someone justified, in general? [color=darkorange]"If they are threatening the life of myself or someone I care for."[/color] 70. Are you wanted for anything? [color=darkorange]*Jokingly says in the tone of the fat guy from Austin Powers*"My body."[/color] 71. Uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win? [color=darkorange]"Maybe."[/color] 72. What's one of your fondest childhood memories? [color=darkorange]"Umm, spending time with my dad I guess."[/color] 73. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change? [color=darkorange]"Nah."[/color] 74. What kind of animal are you most like? [color=darkorange]"I don't know."[/color] 75. Do/did you go to school? [color=darkorange]"Yeah."[/color] 76. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? [color=darkorange]"Sadly I think that's what some of my buds consider a few of the girls at school."[/color] 77. If you're a girl, what's your cup size? If you're a guy, how big are you? [color=darkorange]"That is a very awkward question."[/color] 78. What's one phrase you overuse? [color=darkorange]"Umm."[/color] 79. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? [color=darkorange]"Both would be cool honestly."[/color] 80. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? [color=darkorange]"Once or twice."[/color] 81. How long can you stay under water? [color=darkorange]"I don't know."[/color] 82. Any fetishes? [color=darkorange]"Probably. Don't know what they would be though."[/color] 83. Seme or uke? [color=darkorange]"What?"[/color] 84. Which do you like more, sad stories or happy stories? [color=darkorange]"Umm, depends really."[/color] 85. Camping or indoors? [color=darkorange]"Camping."[/color] 86. Do you like to sing or dance? [color=darkorange]"Sure. No idea if I'm any good or not."[/color] 87. To what degree do you avoid risks and danger? [color=darkorange]"Depends."[/color] 88. What makes you vulnerable? [color=darkorange]"Umm if someone I care about is in danger."[/color] 89. Under what circumstance would you risk your own life for someone else? [color=darkorange]"A good amount I guess. I don't know."[/color] 90. How would you describe your current adventuring companions to a friend you trust? [color=darkorange]"They are pretty cool."[/color] 91. What do you do to relax? [color=darkorange]"Sleep."[/color] 92. What's the best piece of advice you've ever had? [color=darkorange]"Umm how do you pick."[/color] 93. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. [color=darkorange]"Sports, having fun, and being awesome obviously. I'm bad at understanding emotions, paying attention, and coming up with answers."[/color] 94. If you could choose, how would you want to die? [color=darkorange]"Umm, not painful I guess."[/color] 95. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. [color=darkorange]"Spend time with the people I care about, skydive, and just have fun."[/color] 96. What's one word that best describes you? [color=darkorange]"Umm, AWESOME!"[/color] 97. What would you do if you could meet your creator? [color=darkorange]"You mean alexfangtalon? I guess give him a highfive."[/color] 98. What are your impressions about the other interviewees? [color=darkorange]"They are pretty cool."[/color] 99. Do you even want to be here? [color=darkorange]"Of course."[/color] 100. What do you spend most of your time doing? [color=darkorange]"Sleeping or working out."[/color][/hider]