[hider=Faela's Relation Sheet]Relation Sheet [hr][b][color=cd5c5c]O[/color][sub][color=6495ed] V E R V I E W :[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=#f48e8e][b]⍚ L[/b]ove:[/color] [color=3CB371]Feir:[/color] [color=df6ca3]Fyldren:[/color] [color=9999FF][b]⍚ C[/b]rush:[/color] (This section should list your relationships) [color=#a7e5b1][b]⍚ F[/b]riend:[/color] [color=#edaf82][b]⍚ E[/b]nemy:[/color] [color=6A1A66]Anora Roven[/color] [color=009900]Blaine Carrigan[/color] [color=#c8d396][b]⍚ A[/b]quaintance:[/color][/indent] [hider=Strangers] [color=D17B0F]Rimguage III Wolfrahg:[/color][color=cccccc](Any small interactions from IC here. Eventually add to below.)[/color] [color=darksalmon]Aürelia Ostelas[/color] [color=crimson]Raydon:[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]Ophelia:[/color] [color=d264de]Narcissa II Karill:[/color] [color=e93b1c]Floran Cestanz:[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Stalana:[/color] [color=9999FF]Kanza:[/color] [color=E6BE8A]Ursine:[/color] [color=696969]Geraldvardis[/color] [color=gold]Nanna:[/color] [color=#c4394c]Dryden:[/color] [color=#15ce57]Basilius:[/color] [color=slategray]Eilidh Ua Briain:[/color] [color=611B90]Kenzie Moraitis:[/color] [color=yellow]Thran:[/color] [color=EE82EE]Valerie:[/color] [color=#32645b]Persephone:[/color] [color=#6495ed]Faela:[/color] [color=#9f8170]Gaia:[/color] [color=797a9e]Mado:[/color] [color=d79c24]Taltrus:[/color] [color=893BFF]Tlalli Iyollo:[/color] [color=darkseagreen]Iakobos:[/color] [color=gold]Alexandre Vorst:[/color] [color=#98AFC7]Altaira:[/color] [color=9999FF]Xena:[/color] [color=#BC4B4B]Cicero:[/color] [color=1E90FF]Shas'ti:[/color] [/hider] (REMOVE ALL UNRELATED CHARACTERS FROM BELOW AND ADD IT TO STRANGERS) [color=009900][b]B[/b][/COLOR][color=009900][sub][b] L A I N E[/b][/sub][/color] [color=009900][b]C[/b][/COLOR][color=009900][sub][b] A R R I G A N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=6495ed]"[b]Blaine once hunted a magical animal that I was studying. I was ruder than I needed to be but I’m not going back on it now.”[/b]."[/color] [color=009900][b][Enemy][/b][/color][/center] [indent][color=cccccc]Faela generally had a distaste for hunters, but this one definitely took the cake. Due to her love of all things magical the death of one such being made her uncontrollably sad. She ever since has not had a fondness for Blaine.[/color][/indent] [color=3CB371][b]F[/b][/COLOR][color=DAA520][sub][b] E I R[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=6495ed]"[b]Oh Jesus. This is why I was told not to drink by the other tribespeople. I wouldn’t say I regret this but I can’t say it would ever become anything ever. [/b]."[/color] [color=3CB371][b][Love][/b][/color] [/center] [indent][color=cccccc]A one night stand and absolutely nothing more.[/color][/indent] [color=df6ca3][b]F[/b][/COLOR][color=c26994][sub][b] Y L D R E N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=6495ed]"[b]Ah my first attempt at love. It never blossomed but he was always a nice young man.[/b]."[/color] [color=df6ca3][b][Love][/b][/color][/center] [indent][color=cccccc]Faela entirely upset about Noora attempted to steal away the heart of a boy she knew the other girl was interested in. The fling was short and meaningless, but the two parted on good terms.[/color][/indent] [color=6A1A66][b]N[/b][/COLOR][color=F0C27B][sub][b] O O R A [/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=6495ed][b]"She is the source of a lot of emotion for me. Most of it I can’t call positive.” [/b]."[/color] [color=gold][b][Enemies][/b][/color] [/center] [indent][color=cccccc] When I was a little girl I saw Noora playing by a riverbed. She had once been part of the Abaneki tribe, her mother was known for a variety of things, all positive I’m told. And I suppose I fell for her. But shortly after speaking with her it became fairly clear that Noora wasn’t about to start that kind of relationship with a [i]girl[/i]. She wanted to be stronger to fight with the men. She was kind enough but I knew that if I was kind enough I would surely be forgotten. I wasn’t physically strong and I wasn’t much of a fighter. So instead, I became her enemy. I taunted her about her lack of perceived strength as kids do and even threw things in her direction often times. I didn’t dislike her, I suppose. I disliked that we weren’t made for each other. That it wasn’t preordained like in stories old that told of knights and princesses. When I first saw her I thought, surely she is the one. It all seemed so nice when I was told about it as a child. Yet in the real world I had felt as though we were simply on different sides of a river. I would never be close to her. So I became an antagonistic force in her life, and I don’t believe that she ever forgot me. At least, I’ll have that.[/color][/indent] [/hider] So this is done But I need the okay of: [@McHaggis], and [@ihinka] If you guys don't love it that's totally fine! PM me and we'll work something else out! Anybody else feel free to give it a read, I'll do Gaia and Persephone tomorrow!