[h2]Johanna Faust[/h2] Something gave the elder magus pause whilst waiting for her reply, and her head tilted for a second. "As abrupt as this might seem, our introductions can wait for a second. An opportunity for you to learn what this war entails has presented itself. Overseer, should the conflict encroach any further upon the church, I would appreciate a warning if you choose to intervene." Reinforcement: one of the most basic forms of magecraft in existence. Strength, speed, toughness; three attributes that would get the most attention--and, truthfully, the easiest to work with. Yet with a modicum of dedication and considering the issue, it was possible to affect the senses. With something as constantly fraught as a Grail War and away form any major thoroughfares... why would you refrain from enhancing your ability to detect incoming threats? Through sight, scent, or sound, steps had to be taken to address a magus' inherent vulnerability to stealth attacks. Johanna simply favoured hearing; it was useful to know what those who thought themselves out of earshot would say. The sound of clashing blades so close could only mean that the war had started in earnest. [i]Berserker, the fighting has begun.[/i] The intervening space wasn't so vast by any standard, after pushing aside the heavy doors. With more favourable terrain, an athlete would have no difficulty clearing it with haste--and the basics, the much-maligned basics that had been so forcefully reminded to her--made arriving before things got too exciting possible. No doubt her Servant would be there as well, unless Berserker was somehow more even-tempered than expected... and Assassin's Master would catch up posthaste, if she wanted The parties involved were an interesting lot. Saber and Rider, without a doubt--though the Servants themselves were hardly quiet in announcing that fact. The Master... as a person, she was unfamiliar, but the family name was something that she knew--American, unsurprisingly given their location, and relatively important despite that. Not anything she had too much experience with, yet it was unsurprising to find them involved in this war. "Fighting before introductions are even made? Hardly an honourable cast," the tall magus observed, standing atop a somewhat prominent rock. [@Blackstripe][@VitaVitaAR][@Feyblue][@Cu Chulainn][@Crusader Lord]