[center][b][i][h1][color=3CB371]Fuyuko Iwasaki[/color][/h1][/i][/b][img]http://img14.deviantart.net/ee68/i/2017/149/2/a/33_by_raichiyo33-dbaveh8.jpg[/img][b][color=3CB371][i][h3]Age[/h3][/i][/color][/b]Eighteen [b][color=3CB371][i][h3]Personality[/h3][/i][/color][/b] Impatient, sarcastic, creative, logical. [b][color=3CB371][i][h3]Hobbies[/h3][/i][/color][/b]Writing and drawing manga, reading manga, eating ridiculous amounts of snacks. [color=3CB371][i][b][h3]Ambitions[/h3][/b][/i][/color] Fuyuko plans to pack up and move to Tokyo and debut as a manga artist - however, her parents have forced her to save her own money to move to the city and support herself as they cannot afford to; so Fuyuko tries to make a living off of her creations while she attends school. [b][color=3CB371][i][h3]Uncertainties[/h3][/i][/color][/b]Unfortunately due to her near-hikikomori status, Fuyuko-san struggles to converse with people outside of her family and childhood friends. Of course, this has earned her the title of "snob," and her seemingly-always irritated demeanour (due to her own stresses) doesn't seem to help her cause.[/center]