[color=0072bc][u][b]The Borgio Family - Inside The Gourmand[/b][/u][/color] [i]"Please, everyone, take your seats. The next wing of the New Vegas Convention is underway."[/i] Salvatore perked up as he heard the announcement come down and the face of Mr. House appear on a large nearby terminal. The Don's son, Antony, looked up at the figure of House on the screen like he was seeing a hero for the first time, which he was. His sister, Lucia, however, was far less impressed. And simply rolled her eyes, "What? He's a computer or something?" Antony shot her a glare and was about to say something when one of the Gourmand waiters approached. "Sirs and Madam. If you'll pardon the interruption. But I just received a message from Mr. House's concierge. He's expecting you all in the Lucky 38. He has a room prepared on the 27th floor to meet with you personally." "[i]Eccellente![/i]" The Don replied excitedly, "We will head there straight away." The Don clasped his son on the back and gave him a warm smile, "You've done well son to set up this meeting. Now, lets go speak with the man himself!" Antony nodded proudly while Lucia gave a huff but said nothing else. The family then got up from their seats and quietly left the Gourmand, followed closely by their two made-men bodyguards. The group made their way out of the Ultra Luxe and over to the Lucky 38. The doors slid open to them in a dramatic fashion and, awestruck, they entered the old casino. It felt ancient, and yet pristine. Like a time capsule, "Right this way please. Mr. House is waiting for you. Step right into the elevator." A nearby securitron informed them. The New Yorkers dutifully obeyed the robots instruction and stepped inside. A small ding sounded and the doors closed, and they were swiftly taken up to the 27th floor, where yet another robot was waiting for them, "What's with all these damn robots?" Salavtore muttered under his breath, "Doesn't House have any honest-to-goodness [i]humans [/i]working for him?" The securitron led them to the conference room House had designated for the meeting and took their seats, waiting for the man himself to show.