Wakefield watched from outside the gate as several students collapsed to ground or were forced to take a knee from some form of invisible pressure seemed to slam them towards the ground. [i]'Presumably some fellow SG using a gravity based ability.'[/i] Most of the humans seemed to have blindly followed in and were not being ridiculed for their antics by their particular Soul Gears. Taking the extra time he had to observe had given him the information need to come up to a counter to the crushing effect. Wakefield lacked the sense of urgency that most humans seemed to allow propel them through their lives and often paused to examine each moment in time. Wakefield shoved his hand into the pocket of pants adorned on his human form and stealthily underwent a partial transformation turning each of his five fingers into the hands of clock. He took a step through the gate and instantly felt the crushing pressure that had affected the rest of his classmates. His muscles strained as he fought a losing battle against the pressure. His face though was incredibly composed as he focused on appearing calm and cool. Wakefield was a Soul Gear, not a human, but an item to be used for humanity's benefit. If he were to accomplish anything at this school, not only did he have to pass all these tests and classes, he would need to excel at every turn. To show weakness or failure here at this point would be an automatic admission of defeat in the Academy's eyes and no doubt he would be assigned to a User at the drop of a hat. He turned to another student, a male wielding two SGs one white and black, [@Conscripts] and winked in a display of utmost confidence. Turning back under the crushing weight, he rapidly tapped all five fingers against his leg at first rapidly and then more slowly. His own ability slowed down his entire body to incredibly slow speeds. Though he knew his legs were buckling under the pressure of the weight, he speed at which he was moving would be imperceptible to the human eye. So while others fell to the ground around him, Wakefield stood up against true pressure. When the crushing pressure was released from him, Wakefield dismissed his slow effect and took a tiny step forward to steady his balance. Pleased with himself, he returned his hand to normal and pulled out one of the many papers from the Academy and noted he was to be in Group A. He spotted a one eyed human wielding another weapon type SG [@IronWill] and pondered the large amount of them he had already seen this day. [i]'They don't even have a single spring or gear, how embarrassing for them...'[/i]