[center][img]https://s10.postimg.org/a89eug7yh/Header_75.gif[/img] [h1][i][color=#8AB8E6]Mira Grace[/color][/i][/h1] Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ [color=#8AB8E6]#8AB8E6[/color] [color=#ebb40e]||[/color] Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ [color=#EBB40E]#EBB40E[/color] [/center][hr] If she hadn't been currently observing her surroundings through the eyes of her familiars, she wouldn't have even realized anything was happening before it was too late. One of her ravens observed the flash of light the moment the chariot launched, and Mira herself was just turning to get a closer look when something slammed into her from the side and she felt herself being violently yanked off her feet. By this time, her brain had managed to comprehend that the light she had seen was an attack, but it took her a few fractions of a second longer to realize that the "something" that had grabbed hold of her was her own Servant. At this point, she began to think of the possibility of defending herself, but by this point, she was already out of the way. Just like that, faster than the blink of an eye, her life had been endangered and then saved. It was an utterly unreasonable fact, and yet it was undeniable. Even though she'd known that Servants were on a completely different level... Was this really the kind of enemy she'd have to face? As her Servant exchanged words with the enemy - Rider, it seemed - the enemy Master shot back some kind of jab addressed at her, but she was still a bit dazed from the adrenaline coursing suddenly through her brain. The words she heard seemed as though they came from a great distance, and her thoughts were still racing with the singular knowledge that her death had just been a distinct possibility. So, this was the terror of a fight to the death. This was the Holy Grail War. This was bad. A direct fight so early on, while it would be a good opportunity to test her Servant's abilities, also carried with it far too many risks. Out in the open like this, on unfamiliar terrain, she couldn't use her own abilities to their fullest. Besides, wouldn't other Masters likely be in the area of the Church? If things kept up like this, they'd end up surrounded and picked off the moment they began to tire out... and Rider's master didn't seem willing to back down, either, regardless of the risks. Still, if there was one thing Mira was confident in, it was her magecraft. A crisscrossing array of circuits pulsed outward from her heart as she primed her Magic Crest with Prana, searching through it for the information she'd need to do battle. It didn't matter how highly this girl thought of herself... Mira was a peerless Witch, the likes of whom could not exist within this world! And if it was a battle of attrition, then the Servant she herself had summoned couldn't possibly be worn down! Although the bond between them was a new one, Mira wasn't unused to dealing with familiars. Their perceptions were shared just like they were with her crows, but she could now transfer information both ways. So, reaching out with her senses, she addressed her Servant from within the depths of her mind. [i][color=#8AB8E6]Saber. I will not ask you to go all out, or to overexert yourself. I'll give you as much Prana as you need, so just don't lose to them, no matter what, alright? If we slip up against this opponent, we'll be picked off by whoever else comes looking for a fight, even if we bring him down with us. Do you think you can do it?[/color][/i] [color=#8AB8E6]"I didn't... I didn't summon a Servant just to give up,"[/color] She said quietly, her voice almost drowned out by the wind in the wake of Rider's immense attack. [color=#8AB8E6]"I won't cower before the first self-proclaimed enemy who arrives to confront me!"[/color] Her voice built quite sharply, as if the very nature of her being had changed in an instant. This was the demeanor not of Mira, the isolated girl, but that of Mira, the mighty witch. Parroting back lines from a play she'd read in script recently, she adopted old-fashioned words to suit the old-fashioned persona she had so painstakingly crafted. [color=#8AB8E6]'Ambition should be made of sterner stuff!' 'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.' Saber! They'll come not one pace closer, understood?"[/color] [center][@VitaVitaAR][@Blackstripe][/center]