[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink][/center] Amelia barely got any time to relax before she heard the man pursuing her. She quickly hugged both pokemon to keep them quiet and held her breathe. Once she heard his voice fading in the background, she let go of the two pokemon in her arm, Phantump moving to float over her shoulder, looking around and lighting up their surrounding with beams of light from the eyes of it's pumpkin body. Letting Driffloon float away but still holding onto it's hand, she heard the sadness in it's cry and she gave it a small smile in return while reaching up and petting the cloud on it's head. Her hand passed through it but she just reached until she found the top of it head and began petting it. "[color=a187be]It's okay. That man was just being a bully. I'm not mad at you[/color]." She said before hearing three cries from above her. She was about to look up when the source of the cries came to eye level... and she let out that kind of squeal girls sometimes make when they see something they find very cute. She reached out with her free hand and held up palm up for the Fairies to float over. "[color=a187be]Hello there. What's your name[/color]?" She glanced at Phantump who was still lighting up things with it's lights. A thought occurred to her before she looked at the Flabébé before her. "[color=a187be]And do you know where I can find some Oran Berries for my friend[/color]?"