Suddenly, Selwyn felt himself, and his head being crushed by an unknown forces from an unknown source. [color=00aeef]"What the heck is going on?!"[/color] The force was intense. So intense that he could feel every pieces of organs inside his body being sledged by a hammer. So intense that he could feel himself falling to the ground, that he could feel his consciousness slipping away from his hand. "Master?" [color=00aeef]'Fuck this...'[/color] This wasn't what he was coming here for. Selwyn looked around in pain and agony. Seems like it was not just him that were suffering the enormous force. And apparently, he was faring it better than almost everybody, as they all fell to the ground, out cold. The pressure stopped less than a minute after that [color=black]"Ho...You are better than I expected."[/color] Elise said. Whether it was sarcasm or true compliment, he did not know. After the rather brutal welcoming gift, a group of teachers arrived to welcome them, and then gave him three choices, to join either 1A, 1B or 1C. Choices they said, but they were already preordained which group he would be in, in the papers. Selwyn opened the paper that he was given before he arrived at the academy. Most of the contents were personal informations, but there was one specific line that he initially found confusing. The line that now made sense to him, in some ways: 1A. [color=00aeef]"Looks like this will be my group."[/color]