[hider=Vice Admiral Genevieve Alleron] [center][h1]Genevieve Alleron[/h1] [img]http://imgur.com/SVrb1aq.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Genevieve Alleron [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 20 (378 Terran Standard) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Corporation:[/b][/u] UNISEC (First Division Star Navy) [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] Vice Admiral [u][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/u] Standing firm at 5'6" and with a lithe profile, at first glance the woman gives little hint at the three centuries of combat experience that has honed her body into a discreet weapon. Most apparent and lending to that image of anything but a soldier, is the complete lack of scarring across her body. Only the lightest hint of a tan on her pale skin would suggest a career of warfare, which is immediately whisked away at the sight of her well maintained womanly figure. Perhaps the only distinctive trait that would link her to her duty, is the pinkish red hair that is common among the women of Pomerania. [u][b]Psychological profile:[/b][/u] Rather typical for one of the First Division, Genevieve Alleron is all at once a cunning and sharp-minded woman constantly seeking an edge over every enemy both existing and potential; while at the same time aloof and eccentric beyond what one would expect from a supposedly professional soldier. Her sense of duty keeps the two sides from conflicting, always defaulting to the more logical when there is any chance something may have an impact on the mission at hand. Outside of combat however, she is known to be significantly more lax on station, even when still on duty, and more prone to indulging in the casual. She draws the line at anything that would either endanger the mission or personnel, as well as having a cold view of the alien. That view in particular comes from her Pomeranian heritage, in which from an early age she was taught to despise non-humans. Her time with the Reformist fleet has done much to temper the outright hatred for aliens into something a little more agreeable, though she is still rather firm on her stance of no aliens or alien-sympathizers on her ship. [u][b]Educational Background:[/b][/u] Born on the militant world of Hinterpommern, Genevieve was surrounded by the old aristocratic elite of UNISEC for her entire childhood and benefited well from their tutelage. Like every other child from her home nation, she was enrolled into the Academy of Military Arts and Sciences as soon as she was old enough to attend school. While there she only scored average marks in combat applications, but showed a keen mind for the tactical. From there she was allowed to attend any of the secondary schools, choosing to second her Strategic History and Fleet Doctrine programs with something a little less duty oriented. It was there that she was able to exercise her passions for the more artistic, engaging in several courses of dance as well as music. That all ended at the age of eighteen however, as once her primary education was done she was enrolled within the Third Division Star Navy as an ensign. [hider=Service Record:] Once within the Third Star Navy, her sense of duty firmly kicked in, and Genevieve dedicated herself to her work as all from her homeworld are expected to do. That said, most of her first tour was spent on uneventful patrols of the Hanseatic Rift, fondly referred to as "Stellar babysitting" by those who work the sector. Rarely did anything more than stray pirates come into conflict with her ship, and even then a majority backed off after the first shot across the bow. It was during her second tour of duty that she finally saw real combat, by that time having obtained a captaincy within the Third and serving Isaac Reiksguard's 15th Battlegroup. Despite their victory during the War for the Twin Crowns, and the concessions that had been made with the treaty, the Ankarran Grand Duchy had been making noise along the southern borders with ever increasing patrols against the Free Sector. Genevieve was sent along with the rest of the 15th in order to provide a more firm warning that the PSC would intervene if the sector was in danger, but no one at the time had expected anything more than saber rattling from both sides. Such was the shock when the Ankarran fleet opened fire across the DMZ, effectively breaking the truce and recommencing hostilities. Genevieve's ship was among those hit with the first volley, taking critical damage to the engines leaving her dead in the void. It was from there that she was given the choice to either go down fighting, or send the surrender signal in order to save the crew. What she chose was neither, instead communicating her plan to command and the other stricken vessels, then shutting down everything but life-support and the charge reactor, effectively painting her cruiser as destroyed with all hands. For six hours she waited in the frigid cold and minimal oxygen, until finally the Ankarran fleet began to move across the DMZ towards Free Sector space. That was when she and a dozen other ships initiated the charge-reactors that jump-started their ships, and opened fire with everything they had. Awaiting just such a signal, Isaac's remaining fleet hot-jumped from a nearby system and systematically decimated the Ankarrans. Despite the losses during what later became known as the "Free Sector Defiance", the Ankarran Grand Duchy officially declared it the responsibility of rogue elements within their military, and that a purge after the battle had removed all such parties, but the PSC was afforded nothing further from the incident other than a promise of reduced patrols along the DMZ. Following that combat action and an official award ceremony on Terra, Genevieve quietly completed her second tour and returned home to serve in the defence fleet for a period at the behest of King Sebastian Desrosiers. As would be expected, she again saw little combat in this role, but it did serve as an opportunity to further her learning and pursue more personal interests in her off months. When she finally did return to UNISEC fleet command after twenty years with the Pomeranian Defense Fleet and already one rejuvenation treatment, she met with Isaac Reiksguard himself and once more joined with his battlefleet. This time it was under the Second Division, and she had been given a battleship on war-footing. During the years leading up to 2100 Corporate Era, alien sentiment had been growing along the regions bordering the Forbidden Zone, as well as whispers that hostile aliens were gearing to strike at the Confederacy. Such things were rather common throughout Human history, but only when the threat seemed genuine did UNISEC react accordingly. The orders from command were clear, that the 78th Battlegroup were to enter into Union Space along the Western Fringe, and to cleanse the entire region of aliens and alien sympathizers. What they found when entering into the region was worse than mere rumor, entire systems either under the direct control of alien governments, or puppeted by their Human allies. It took a year just to break the first blockade, putting Genevieve's tactical skills to the test in each of their daily engagements. Her ship nearly broke across the keel when a beam weapon strafed across the battlelines and killed ten thousand servicemen in the initial blow alone. For the duration of the seventy year campaign across two-hundred and thirty-eight worlds she fought and bled for the ideals of not just the Confederacy, but also of her family and her people. In the end, she was decorated as a hero alongside the forty-eight other surviving captains and Isaac Reiksguard came to be known as the "Stormsurge" for the ruthless execution of the campaign. While Genevieve did return to Hinterpommern once more, this time it was of her own volition, and to take a step away from UNISEC for some time in order to clear her head. Like many who had served on the frontlines during the Second Fringe War, she suffered from a rare affliction generally associated with those on the border patrols and during the "Old Wars". Most simply called it "xenoshock" for what it was, having looked directly into the face of the great enemy and come out alive. During this period she took things a little more lax, teaching at the Academy during the school months and taking up civilian flight courses on her vacation hours. As the years passed, she became involved with the Royal Guard and taught the defence fleet advanced battle tactics with her Second Division combat experience. In time, she became the commander of the Royal Fleet, though it took significant convincing on the part of the King and UNISEC had started making regular offers of reemployment to her. The offers didn't stop for a few years of course, as some felt she had simply taken the position to leverage a better contract. Yet for her, it was more a way of settling down and finding some sense of normalcy once again. It wasn't until the year the Reformation rocked the core worlds that she was approached again by UNISEC. For decades she had ruthlessly drilled the Pomeranian fleets in combat tactics, expanded the controlled systems by eight, and quelled the pirates of the Hanseatic Rift through sheer threat of force alone. When many would have lost their edge by "going national", she had refined hers and reformed an old and aristocratic military into one that would have made UNISEC proud to wear their colors. Even still, despite showing a face of strength to all around her, she still held doubts lingering from the Fringe War. When the last offer came, it was not something so direct as those before which were promising this or that, and trying to appeal to her vanity. This one was hand-written by Isaac Reiksguard, one who had written her before periodically after the war as he did for most of his captains, and it was simply a request to come back to help him right the wrongs they had committed. She not only accepted his offer, by signed the life contract with UNISEC that placed her into the First Division Star Navy. The last sixty years of war against fellow UNISEC soldiers would have been just as rough as the Fringe War, were it not for knowing that this time, she is truly doing the right thing. Even still, a large part of her knows she turned her back on her people by doing so, and that eventually she would have to come back to Hinterpommern. Not as a returning hero, but as a conqueror. For now, she serves with the Rapid Response Fleet to continue safeguarding the borders as best they can, but those thoughts linger in the back of her mind.[/hider] [u][i]Combat Training:[/i][/u] Unarmed Combat Skills Traditional Longsword Training Third Division Qualified Marksman Sidearm Training Second Division Qualified Advanced Carapace Armor Training First Division Qualified Powered Armor Training Capital Ship Command Non-Human Combat Tactics [u][i]Work Skills:[/i][/u] Small Craft Pilot Training [u][i]Equipment:[/i][/u] - Carapace Armor: First Division Advanced Carapace Armor - Void Hardened - Personal Shield - Smoke Discharger - UNISEC-DA/00-IPW/MWS/x35 - Modifiable Weapon System - MWS/x35-SMG - SMG package[/hider]