As a result of the Chinese Revolution and Harry Truman's frustration with Douglas MacArthur's handling of the Korean War, he fired MacArthur and anyone else associated with MacArthur. In a sense, he lost anyone who knew anything about the Far East. Eisenhower had no one available to him that knew anything about SouthEast Asia and those that were learning, weren't learning fast enough, Ho Chi Minh asked Woodrow Wilson to help him remove the French from his country soon after the completion of The Great War. Woodrow Wilson would do nothing as France was one of America's strongest allies and they had just helped them get the Germans out of their country. Ho Chi Minh did not care if Vietnam was a Representative Democracy or a Communist state. His next stop was to Vladimir Lenin where he learned about the benefits of Socialism and Communism. Lenin and his successor Stalin agreed to help the fledgling Communist state eradicate its oppressive Western European masters. The US bungling of the War in Vietnam as well as their Communist containment policy, vis-a-vis McCarthyism resulted from a lack of information. The US dehumanized the Soviets and built them as up as this dark evil the Americans all need to hate.