[quote=@Nuriko] Thought you meant a fusion of Digimon and Pokémon with Tamers/trainers using a combination of the two. *Sees you mean Anthro type stuff and bows out* I wish you luck on your endeavor thou [/quote] Kinda anthro, if that's what you mean. But at least if you have suggested characters (either 'Mon), please don't be like those on Tumblr. [quote=@GarlandDaHero] You have my interest, good sir/madam. May as well say that my favorite Pokemon is Deoxys, and...huh. I'm not sure about my favorite Digimon. I like most swordsman/knight-looking Digimon, but I'm actually leaning towards Magnamon or Beelzemon for my favorite. [/quote] I'm a sir :lol Excellent favorites! Anyway guys, more to come about how would the RP play out after I do some personal stuff first...