Quick footwork and agile movements throughout the marketplace of the district was the workings of the now elven teenager, Aegnith, swiftly moving through the crowd with her brother in tow as she rambled off on a checklist within her mind of supplies that they would need for the caravan journey. She had been the one to properly decide that they were going, life at home almost seeming suffocating. Mildor, however, was rather indifferent to the whole ordeal. He'd go wherever his sister went, he supposed, having that unspoken rule within the family that he needed to protect her. He'd listen to her, however, as she spoke of the various supplies they would need. ".. Why would we need empty mason jars?" "To catch fireflies, DUH." "And what use would that be?" "For lights during the night!" ".. You can just use matches or lanterns, Aegnith." "Excuse me for trying to be creative!" "And trying to kill innocent bugs? Sure."