[center][h2][color=gray][u] [color=39b54a]✣[/color] The Boss [color=39b54a]✣[/color] [/u] [img]https://s3.postimg.org/71ixzvbkj/image.png[/img][/color][/h2][/center] Another school year was quickly approaching the quaint academy that was Saint Hirst. That meant the staff were abuzz with scrambling about, getting things prepped and prepared, filing the appropriate number of classes in schedule, and of course, scolding any student that wanted to be promiscuous on their first day attending or returning. It was all well and good though because a quick chat with the main organizer meant things had maintained a semi-sense of order. Said organizer stood in the dining hall even now, leaning against one of the back walls. Known only as [url=https://s3.postimg.org/mj2urs1pv/image.jpg]the Boss[/url], it was to no one’s surprise that she would be able to get people back on their duties and on track. Now, she could only pray that events proceeded smoothly on the first day of attendance; the opening ceremony would decide how the rest of the day would be worked through. Still, it was all unneeded stress in the end, both for her and the other staff members. As she rested in her position, she eagerly wished for a smoke right about now. But school rules and regulations applied to everyone, even her; that, and she wasn’t going to be the idiot who accidentally burned the dining hall down. So with a stifled sigh, she opted to passing the time by observing the girls instead, playing a mental game of picking out the newbies and the returners. While it may have appeared that her eyes were closed and she was resting, her gaze shifted beneath slit eyes. She had to wonder who was going to be participating in her class, although she had a good idea given the few interesting examples she had spotted out. Well now, this was going to be an interesting school year now wasn’t it. Also, where the hell was Hildr?