[h2]Johanna Faust[/h2] "Watch the slaughter? Is that what you thought made me come out?" the older of the two said, looking down at the child. With her apparent age, there was only one reason that she could be taking part in a Grail War such as this--she had to be a homunculus. No real child would have the abilities and confidence necessary to go along with such a brazen attempt at not only participating in the war but cutting down one's enemies at the first attempt. It also fit with what little knowledge of the Varianbec family Johanna possessed. But more importantly, it set this Master as one that was completely off limits in a fight. If this was based off of the Fuyuki wars, then its creators would understand the problems inherent in a stationary, vulnerable grail. If such a thing existed, it would have been placed with that Overseer where it would be free from harm. As it was not, then the Grail Vessel could only be a person and with a homunculus before her... "No, I came just to make sure that no Masters pay the price for entering this conflict without knowing what it entails. Naivety should be punished with failure rather than death. If we could get through this war without a single death, then it could be said that we have seen the Grail War to its intended completion and more; a wish gained at no loss of life and even the losers come out richer for the experience," Johanna continued, sliding down to sit on the rock, one knee raised to serve as a rest, "It would be a more ideal result than the inclusion of Assassin promotes. "Though we both know that this is impossible, do we not? The minimum body count is one. Such a cruel family, to bring you into this world only to die serving a purpose that you cannot partake in." [@Blackstripe] [@Raineh Daze] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Feyblue]