Ren transferred them into another pseudo-space by saying several key phrases. Assuming the boy wasn't lying, all of them had the potential to learn the same skills. The new pseudo-space was similar to the previous, except for the presence of Imps. There was a cluster of the small red creatures within view. Sasha licked her lips. "Time for some grinding," Ren said, and proceeded to sprint towards the imp. He held up his hand and a bright blue orb shot out of it like a bullet. It struck an Imp square in the chest and punched through cleanly, defeating it in an instant. He fired another one, but it merely injured the second Imp. Seems like he got a lucky shot off on the first try, but it was obvious a difference of eight levels was a big deal. At the same moment Ren killed the Imp, a window popped up. It read, [i]'Your Level has gone up by 1'[/i]. Sasha dismissed it. The fact that she leveled up without doing anything meant that exp was shared in a party. With how things are turning out, anything that was common in mmorpgs would most likely apply to the gamer system. Sasha joined the fray as the other guys rushed forward. Instead of meeting them head on, Sasha ducked to the side, running along the side of the school building where the pillars and shrubbery hid her from sight. She had always been a cloak-and-dagger player in video games, preferring stealth and ambushes over a direct confrontation. There was no reason it wouldn't work in real life, especially since she didn't have the athleticism to win in a fair fight. She burst out of cover from behind, her heart already beating wildly. She really needed to work out more often, she thought as she brought her baseball bat down on an Imp. Ren and the guy's charge had taken their full attention, leaving them open to a side-attack.