Ruav'Tor was less than satisfied with his travel accommodations, to say the least. Dark, cramped, and positively riddled with sharp protrusions just waiting to tear a hole in his environmental suit. Part of him suspected that his employers har made the arrangement on purpose. Intentionally stuck him on a piece of scrap tub so that he would harbor no interest in claiming it as his own. The bastards were clever. When he finally reached the predetermined meeting point, irritated and cramped from his long, uncomfortable ride as a stowaway, he was surprised to see a krogan waiting there. "Interesting..." Ruav whispered, looking at key points of the krogan's facial structure, setting pinpoints in a program installed in his suit. After a few moments, during which time he had tracked a mass of anchor points over the beings features. "Aaand... Saved..." He said, stepping forward as he cleared his visor to get a better view. He approached the meeting point cautiously, making very sure not to appear threatening. "I assume you're here for the same reasons I am?" Ruav said, turning to look at the turian guards at the door. Soon enough, the door opened, and the group that had assembled was taken inside. He immediately took a video capture of the area and stored it within various redundant storage drives. It wasn't [i]necessarily[/i] for any nefarious purposes. But he did like the layout, and might want to implement a similar design in some of his ships.