[quote=@Leaves] [i]That is one scary horse.[/i] [@ProPro] Could I reserve the position to become a doctor? I won't be able to make a character today until after midnight. I have a few college assignments I need to finish before I begin writing recreationally. [/quote] [quote=@Old Amsterdam] [@Leaves] Pro has mentioned previously in talks that he does not work with reservations. A heads up, because I don't particularly expect him to make an exception. Though he has surprised me before. And I could be remembering completely wrong. My brain does that. (Also, good luck with your assignments) [/quote] OA is correct, I do not work with reservations. However I am also not first come first serve. I set aside a period of time to allow new CSs to accumulate, then judge them individually, and if there is any crossover, I make a decision based on what I think is more appropriate/interesting/overall better quality. I will say to you that there's another individual working on a "scientist" which includes medical knowledge. I will allow you both time to finish and I will make a decision between the two (as well as any other "doctor" types that might spring up in the meantime). Edit: That said, I'm done with looking over CSs until at least tomorrow.