[center][h1]Cassandra Edelfelt[/h1] A titanic battle between two servants that, frankly, blew away any and all expectations she had. That was what [url=https://i.imgur.com/sUugROW.jpg]Cassandra Edelfelt[/url] now observed through her familiars. Small, insignificant rodents likely to go unnoticed on a calm day, much less when there was a battle taking place right in front of you, her rats made the perfect spies. She had, of course, sent no small number to observe the Church. It seemed like the most obvious place to acquire information on her enemies, and sure enough, several masters had already entered and then abruptly exited when the fighting began. Said fighting resembled less a battle, and more a series of flashing lights. She could just barely make out the figure of the Saber, while the other moved with a speed that made even trying to properly comprehend it a real headache. So instead, she focused her attention on something she could actually see: A flock of ravens. Or crows. She had trouble telling the differences sometimes. Whatever. It was the way they were moving that was important: very controlled, very organized, circling around the witch girl. Probably her familiars. There was one odd-bird out among them, though. One that clearly didn't fit. Focusing her attention in on it, Cassandra leaned forward in her seat, her eyes squinting. ...A golden chain. It carried a golden chain around its neck! The mere sight of this sent a sharp chill darting up her spine. Leaning hard against the back of her chair, she covered her mouth with a hand and began to tremble. "Oh God..." "...That hawk is ghetto as [i]fuck!"[/i] [@Feyblue][@VitaVitaAR] [@Raineh Daze][@Cu Chulainn][/center]