[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Train Terminal | Saturday - Morning[/b] As the time of departure drew closer, the last members of the group arrived one by one. As they did, Kotori made sure to greet them with a bow whilst counting off the number of companions in her head - even if it wouldn't do her much good without actually knowing how many people were supposed to be showing up in the first place. Still, it gave her at least a momentary lapse from glancing between her fellow Agriculture Club members. Not for the first time, she wished that she knew of some way to let them get along with each other as they had what now felt ages ago. A soundless sigh escaped her lips whilst everyone around her was already busying themselves with smalltalk between each other or gathering their things when the imminent arrival of their train was broadcast. With her own bag in hand, Kotori boarded the train after most of the others had arrived - she couldn't help but count them off before coming to the satisfactory conclusion that everyone had gotten on - and moved to the first free spot among the seats that the rather large group had occupied. She ultimately found herself seated next to the window with her sunhat placed upon her lap - albeit only after multiple reassurances that it was alright and no one else wanted the seat. As the train pulled away, many of the conversations begun on the platform continued in some form or another - the inclusion of Kotori into which were mostly limited to only answer when directly addressed and otherwise simply listening instead. It wasn't too long though before her thoughts drifted to the book in her hand - which, a mere few minutes later, was instead in her hands with her bespectacled gaze firmly fixed on its pages. So absorbed in her reading was she that Kotori would have missed the beautiful sight the revealed itself upon clearing the long tunnel, were it not for the many sounds of wonder coming from all around. A slight confusion was unmistakable upon her face as Kotori looked up - only for it to soon match the pleased expressions surrounding her when she followed their eyes out to the wide blue sea. The small smile would remain even for a while longer once her attention was returned to the book some time later. --- [b]Kotori Shirohane - Sadaomi Beach | Saturday - Morning[/b] Stepping onto the platform, Kotori quickly made room to allow the others behind her to exit the train. With everyone accounted for, Kazuki would be the one to lead the way. As he did so, he off-handedly mentioned that the beach and indeed the whole surrounding area was only recently built or renovated. Preoccupied with looking around to confirm his words, Kotori missed the slight disapproval in Kazuki's voice. Thankfully, the beach itself was only a small walk from the station - and upon seeing it, Megumi's enthusiasm from before bubbled up once again as she dragged Kazuki off without even heeding a single word of protest, announcing that she'd make sure to grab a good spot while she did so. Kotori could do naught but blink at the rapidly departing figures - and evidently wasn't the only one, judging by the brief moment of silence that followed. The first to break it was Rui - who, ever taking things in stride, noted that there was little point in standing around. A murmur of general agreement sounded at his words with Sato speaking up a moment later, asking what would be the exact course of action - before noticing that not everyone had already come wearing their swimwear, quite in opposition to himself. [color=green]"Ah..."[/color] It was only then that Kotori remembered that, after all, swimming was indeed the main reason for going to the beach - and that doing so would require appropriate garments. Now that the time was at hand, she couldn't help but feel no small measure of embarassment at the thought of actually wearing her swimsuit, gingerly placing a hand to her chest - before reassuring herself, and not for the first time, that she had after all made sure that it would cover her scars. That was one thing that Kotori was still very much hesitant about. Shaking her head as if to clear her mind, Kotori quickly glanced between the others from beneath the wide brim of her hat, looking to see where everyone else was headed and, ever the proactive one, simply following along. After all, this was supposed to be a fun trip and as such did not call for gloominess - though such was no easy task, she did her best to give a small smile which did turn out a lot less wry than most of the time when she took in the sight and sounds of the ocean from so close.