Araerys, though still worried about her feline companion, was cheered considerably by Daisy's song. She tapped the tips of her finger nails lightly against the wood of the back of the pew in an accompanying rhythm, almost urged to hum a complimentary melody beneath her vocals. She was returned to the reality of the situation when it was finished, a concerned new addition to the group once again as she watched Yvah move away. But there was still work to be done. She had faith enough in the girl to tear herself away from the thought of following her anyway, simply to make doubly sure she wouldn't run off and do something silly in the comedown of her episode. Ary took swift inventory of those remaining in the church, including the recently deceased, and decided to sweep the front altar first. It did no good to linger over what couldn't be changed, and so the half-elf respectfully maneuvered around the acolyte's body as she made her way toward the alter. It appeared that the one previously referred to as 'Octoboy' had the same idea, and was inspecting the area, as well. Unfortunately, she found nothing except for the sigil that only vaguely looked familiar to her. She supposed Ulor came to the same conclusions since he made his way back toward the room that still held the Priestess... which was also to be Araerys's next destination. It was stupid to feel a funny awkwardness in the coincidence as she headed towards the room, too, since more pressing thoughts were looming. But she couldn't help feeling still a bit distant from this one, as he hasn't really said much to her - or in general, really. She entered the room only a few moments after he did, and seeing that he had already set up some sort of ritual in the corner, she was quick to address her concerns. "I'm not followin' ya, or anything, I just... Curious," she finished somewhat lamely, gesturing toward the remains of the Priestess (which really were a terrible sight), "Won't be in yer hair long..." The bard bent down over the pulp, focused on not registering who or what or most importantly, why, as she searched the Priestess's person for anything of significance. Her investigation provided her with a pendant, a water skin that smelled of wine instead of water, and a few other little pieces that she tucked away in her pouch for later. Once finished, she left Ulor in peace and re-entered the cathedral, brow furrowed as she tried to make out what the symbol was. Once she was back within proximity of the group, she held out the pendant and asked, "Does anyone recognize this? I found it on the Priestess's body; I haven't the foggiest idea what it is." [hider=Things]Ary rolls a lot of stuff that I'll edit in later because I'm on my phone and too lazy to look/copypasta.[/hider]