"Why are those guys hellbent on making our lives so miserable?" Isabela shook her head, not the least bit pleased with how their assignment was turning out so far. "It's almost as if they want us to fail..." She spotted a plastic barrier on the street immediately after turning the corner and she had to maneuver the vehicle with a sharp turn of the steering wheel to avoid hitting it. "Sorry about that," Isabela smirked, "I'm trying to get us there in one piece." As she continued driving, Isabela started looking out for bodies blending within the buildings that could potentially put her and the rest of the team in even more danger. She'd be damned if she let her skills go to waste during such a high-stakes operation, and she did not want such weight on her shoulders if something were to go terribly wrong, which given the current scenario, it was very probable that at least one of them wouldn't make it back to the stadium unscathed. [I]Tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para evitar un desastre y entrar a ese sitio...[/i] Isabela thought to herself, hoping that this mission wasn't overwhelmed by futility.