When Victor is running to group 1B, he noticed that other students pull out a small paper. He stops to pull out his one and finally found that he was in group 1A. [color=0072bc]"SHIT, this is all your fault"[/color] Victor say. "Excuse me?" A girl stands next to him have heard that [color=0072bc]"Heyyy, I'm sorry but I don't talk to you"[/color] Then he runs immidiately to group 1A while hearing a laugh inside his head [color=fff200]"Tehehe"[/color] When he comes, he looks at the teacher and sees his prosthesis fell to the ground. Victor almost laughs but when he sees other student just silently stand there, he acts like he doesn't know what have happened. [color=0072bc][i]"This must be a test, I should be careful if I want to stay here"[/i][/color]. Then he follows the group move to the dorm and doesn't care what happen after that.