[center][img]http://archive.iussp.org/France2005/logos/marianne.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://lajeunepolitique.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/marine_le_pen_-_cropped.jpg[/img][/center] It had been 2 months since the socialist government had lost its coalition in the parliament and, after 4 attempt of passing a budget failing, that France had been forced in elections. The socialists were ineffective, the financial crisis only deepened, the Centrist party had been wreaked by the audio records of Sarkozy while he was still president and didn't have time to turn around and propose a good candidate. All of this however had only given more fuel to a third party, the National Front. The government was corrupt and ineffective, the economy was slowing to a crawl, but yet they kept allowing immigrants in, there was no more money but yet they spent always more on generous hand out. A vote for the Far Right was a vote to make all this stop, a vote for the reactionary and return France to a point in its history where work conditions were perhaps less good than today, but where you actually had work to worry about this. The FN now had a majority in the parliament, won most of the municipal election and considerable weight in the European parliament, it was time to prove they could reverse the steam and do what Germany had failed to do and save fortress Europe, besieged by immigrants in Africa, now carrying deadly disease, terrorists in the middle east and a resurgent Russia in the east. In the Élysée Palace, Marine Le Pen, newly elected President, met her cabinet. Many ministers, but a few chairs had been added for military officials. Greater influence of the military in civilian affairs had been pointed out as a dangerous flaw of Le Pen's plan, but there was other ways to see this, greater influence of the civilian on military affairs was one of them. "Gentlemen, I declare this meeting of the Cabinet open. Of course, everything said here is state secret and disclosure of anything discussed here will be considered treason. So if anyone would register these conversations I'd ask them not to do so, which is why I asked you all to keep any electronic devices such as phones outside, that and I don't like interruption by ringtones to occur. Now, Mister the Prime Minister Jamet, if you would." [url=http://s1.lemde.fr/image/2012/05/28/534x267/1708349_3_1a26_alain-jamet-proche-de-jean-marie-le-pen-et_d09fc240605ee8eefd4652a08de4f570.jpg]The man[/url] nodded getting up from his seat. "As we all know, the Euro as suffered in the last week alone a catastrophic meltdown, its value lowering by over 30% and rising compared to the US dollar and the Eastern currencies rising accordingly. While the situation seems critical and many are calling the end of the Eurozone, force is to consider that now is the moment to strike while the East as shown weakness and our minister of Finance has a bold plan to this regard where the longer the crisis and the worst it looks like, the more we are at advantage, mister Aliot, if you would." The prime minister sat down and the minister of Industry raised. "Thank you mister the prime minister. Indeed, 30% lost value means that people doing business with us will find to their great surprise that this also means that our products are 30% cheaper, and this of course, if only in the United States, this rise in eastern currency is, and I am certain of it, what will save us. Their economies are heavily based on mass exportation and ours on importation, which is what caused this situation in the first place. I had the CEO of Renault and the chairman of the board on the line and indeed, it is the time to strike. Renault made intelligent investments in the past by buying Samsung Motors and so, we can offer for the nouveau riche and the rising middle class, both alternatives. A European car, luxurious and which brings prestige since no Asian manufacturer yet has the reputation Europeans have. And on the other side of course, the cost efficient model, with the large Samsung name all over it, but yet, produced by french interests to profit from frenchmen. Hyundai and others will have a hard time competing with us after a 30% price shift in our favor. China will suffer the same faith and I am sure that their government will not like to be put on the same stage we were in the last 30 years, that of globalisation, the end of profits and factories closing their doors." "All of this of course brings me to the next point which is the home front. Although we had to take some loans to get this done, now that the stock markets were crashing, it was the time to strike good deals. We, of course, followed our policies of not sending out money for nothing, like the americans and ourselves did by offering 0% interest loans and the likes. We bought significant parts of our national industries and like asked madam president, we have officially put an halt on payment to the debt to Russia until the Romanian crisis resolves. We estimate a significant increase of revenue in the next trimester budget, but I will of course leave this for the budget report. Thank you for your attention ladies and gentlemen." Some words were exchanged and Le Pen slowly nodded. The common people, the peasants if she were a queen of the ancien regime, were always so easily frightened on one side, and could always so easily reach euphoria on the other. Right now the climate of fear in the west was their ally and it should be maintained for as long as possible, but this was good only if France didn't lose control now. Likewise, the Euphoria in the east would cause their downfall, the old continent just had to wait for the next bubble to pop and all the people with a head on their shoulder knew what it would be: Their Export industry. Europe and America were their largest customer, Europe was failing and thus there already was a significant lowering in demand, and even if now China and Korea could sell their products to their own people to compensate, this was only a short term solution. "Indeed, let us follow on this, the budget and social subsidies cut." Another man rose, he had been keeping silent with a smile and exchanging a few words with a man in military uniform. "Indeed. As you all know the bill will finish its reading in tomorrow's session and, thanks to our anti-filibustering bill last week, it will pass with no problem now that we hold the absolute majority. The entitlements will be reduced by about 85%, only the handicapped and the families, of French nationality if I might add, will now be receiving social security. Any immigrant without a job will be deported and anyone applying for help for the government will be told to join the army, if physically unfit, will be remembered that either the army will make him fit again or he falls in the handicapped category. Most certainly a lot will cry about this, I'm expecting riots, but along with the deportation if any crime is committed on immigrants, this will serve its purpose, in fact I do believe that this could have the effect of lowering the Euro even more if we are lucky, people would see this as us losing control, while we are in fact, resuming our control. Lower Euro will of course mean great rise in gas price, but I do believe Renault is preparing an alternative in electric bus and so forth? It will actually force people to use common transport and thus finance said transport... This may be considered insider trading, but as we are the state it doesn't really matter, but we've made significant investment to acquire shares in major transportation companies and we should force a fusion under one, if possibly state controlled through majority ownership, corporation, which will be able to weather international fluctuation much better than smaller manufacturers. There are other minor things, such as the 'Leave no one behind' project where people on the street will be put either in mental institution or in the army as to put their lives back together, but I think this is about it. Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen." The man sat down with people smiling and in general expressing their enthusiasm. Finally, something to deal with the filthy immigrants, provide employment to the youth and the lazy as well as show the world, Russia in particular, that Europe being willing to go to war wasn't just something said with no intention to actually act. "This brings us to the first foreign affair matter, Romania... I will make my stand clear on this, we've lately 'Accidentally' leaked that France would stand and fight and was ready, if need be, to deploy its nuclear weapons. People see the Front National as extreme right, that we're, quote, 'Crazy enough to do it' in our xenophobia. Well, this again works in our advantage. I'm sure Germany looks for a quick end of this, to stabilize everything and move on. I say we take our time, organize elections, deal with the objections to the results, maybe rig a few things to keep the fear in Europe for a while. You are aware of how much I wish for France to leave the EU and NATO, but we must do so intelligently as there is yet something to be salvaged out of this mess. Italy, Spain and Portugal mostly, as fellow Latin countries, are to be saved, if only to be used. Belgium is part of the core countries of the EU, the rich ones, it will be a tougher nut to crack, but I refuse to see the Frenchmen of this world divided as it has been for the last few centuries. I think they can be manipulated by the fear of actually having to repay that debt." "Next of course is, Africa. As mentioned before, we need to limit immigration if only to limit the spread of the disease, we do not have the resources to be nice anymore, much less to face a pandemic. Minister, if you would proceed." Another man got up. "Thank you. While we are in the line of going for opportunities, this might just be the best of them all. Africa has thus far been unable to exploit the vast resources it has and now that it faces this disease, we have a reason to go in there, in the ex colonies. Central Africa and Mali were a good start but only a start. Our old colonies are not yet touched by this plague, but they fear the consequences, mass refugees, the spread of this thing, and they do not have the strength to prevent this. We do however. While we are helping them however, I think it would be best to... do some other things. In the 'Corner the market through debatable financial initiatives if France was a person and not a state'..." There was a few laugh, but the minister lost his smile when he looked at the President, who did not smile. He cleared his throat and continued. "Mmm, yes, well, we have invested significantly in a mining company in difficulty, renamed it 'Francosphere Mining' and we are now ready to send it to Africa. We'll offer slightly larger salaries than they are used to there, but still nothing compared to paying french workers, and call it 'Humanitarian help' and so forth, equitable trading and whatnot. This, combined with the climate of fear in African countries right now should insure we have plenty of workforce willing to work in mining camps, being fed, and protected by French military from bandits and the disease. For those willing to do more for more, we have planed a large recruitment effort in foreign countries, especially Africa, to get people to join the Foreign Legion. French citizenship after serving, French level pay and so forth. To the lowest of the low I am certain this will be attractive and, having locals serving in our... helping force in Africa, should lessen local tensions that are certain to arise. Next on this recruitment drive will be other European nations now that the fear is settling in, and maybe we'll move to Asia once their factories begin to close down." The man sat down, there actually was a small ovation. The significance of this project wasn't lost on anyone, it was kind of corrupted: The people at the top all working together and creating, lets say it frankly, monopolies. French interests in the automobile industry with resources mined in countries with french interests by companies with french interests in them. The mod was set: Let China and Russia have a taste of their own medicine for a change. [hider=Summary] 1: Since the Euro is now 30% cheaper, try and keep the Euro low to export more European products in Asia as well as bring back the jobs there to Europe since it costs more to import. 2: Since the french government can make economic trend, use this to manipulate the stock market at their advantage and nationalize some parts of the industry for cheap, great collaboration with some CEOs under the premise of work with us and we'll allow you to have insight in our politics before the rest, thus cornering the markets. 3: Maintain the climate of fear in Europe by being slow to react to Romania, but while keeping it within the Eurosphere. Use the fear to create a 'Us against them' mentality in France, increasing popular support for radical moves and in general for the government, as much as possible increase nationalism and make it be seen as 'Unpatriotic' to buy foreign products. 4: On the side, invest on a cheap electric car to be used by the population and begin planing infrastructure for 'Electricity Stations' so the government has some part of the ownership of said infrastructures and to decrease the importance of foreign imports of oil. Use the lower value of the Euro, thus rising price of gas, to get people to use common transportation. 5: Remove all entitlement and support except for ethnic french single mothers, children and handicapped (Later receiving support only if they go in specialized establishments as to centralize their care and lower the costs) and transform unemployment offices in army recruitment posts under the idea that the state will help you only if you give back to the state. Creation of adds about how someone who spent 2 years in the army is much more employable than someone who spent the last 2 years only 'Looking for a job'. 6: Elimination of non-European or north American immigration, immigrants without a job can't apply for any form of social assistance, homeless immigrants are deported, illegals are deported without any form of delay or considerations, immigrants who commit any crime are deported, immigrants have no place in 'Purely French Debates' (EG, immigration) and citizenship for immigrants require to be second generation resident, speak perfect french, pass a citizenship test and swear to uphold french values, including France for the French and thus be pro assimilation. 7: Get the homeless in the army or in psychological institutions as to 'Get their lives back on track'. 8: Refuse to pay any debt owed to Russian banks until they officially say that they will not take in Romania. Interests will not be accumulated in the mean time and even if Russian banks say that they will be, France officially declares it will not pay back said interests. 9: Seize Russian assets in 'Government Critical Industries', such as armament (Airbus is based in France but owned at 6% by a Russian National Bank), such assets being given back only once Russia officially declares that Romania will never unite with it. 10: Send massive support in troop, and some in doctors, to ex-french colonies in Africa and blow the Ebola crisis out of proportion in Europe and Africa as to make people fear it as much as possible. Use this as a cover to establish a French owned corporation to exploit African natural resources as humanitarian support, providing food, decent wages (For an African nation) and shelter from political instabilities and the Ebola endemic. In truth, focus more to protect the work camps than the countries themselves and in situations where refugees simply decide to run for it, let them in the countries under the premise of 'Not hurting the innocents', preventing the disease to spread is, in truth, only secondary. The doctors will mainly study the plague and try to find a cure, but also keep it locked up as a possible bioweapon. 11: Offer to train and even equip some forces, but only if they are trained and equipped with French products from Thales and Nexter, both owned partially or entirely by the French government. Offer experts and the likes to make the countries as dependent on French assistance as possible. 12: International French Foreign Legion recruitment drive at embassies, promote web-sites and make it easier to join up, especially in Africa under the promise of eventual french citizenship as well as a french level (If low for France) pay and military benefits, try and deploy the African volunteers locally as to lessen local tensions. Anyone who joins the Foreign Legion disappears, can wipe any debt and be forgiven any crime in exchange for their service, the French government will not extradite murderers in the foreign legion under the fact that people joining the Legion are given a new french identity [/hider]