[center][h1]Rider[/h1] It seemed like Rider had her on the edge. All he had to do at this point was press his advantage and bring this battle to a close. But she was resilient, to say the least. Despite constantly driving her back, she never ceased to deflect his blows. She could take pride in being one of a precious few who could claim that distinction. It made him almost sad that she was his very first opponent in this war, for everyone after this would likely pale in comparison. When she went skidding backwards, Rider was swift to press his advantage. But something was different now. She seemed to be sheathing her blade. But this was no gesture of peace, he knew...she was preparing for a precision strike. Logic would dictate her target to be himself, but all previous such attempts had completely failed. So what was her - "...Eh?" A flash off to the side drew Rider's gaze. Turning his head ever so slightly, he immediately realized that he was staring at an attack. His chariot immediately swerved away from Saber before he came within the blade's reach, ascending slightly into the air in order to avoid being engulfed in the golden attack. Spinning to face whomever had dared to interrupt their duel, Rider focused his savage gaze on the audacious interloper. It... It was... "A monkey?!" [hr] [h1]Cassandra Edelfeldt[/h1] A monkey... Now that the servants had come to a stop for at least a brief moment, she was at last able to make something out of the battle before her. What was previously a duel was now shaping up to be a free-for-all...she still didn't know who the Saber or Rider class servants were, but as for the monkey-man... Well, it was pretty obvious. She was a big Dragon Ball fan, after all. [@Feyblue][@VitaVitaAR] [@Raineh Daze][@Cu Chulainn][/center]