[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=b8860b]Reginald Keystone[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/76ca11af5771405a055ca9291e9e4b2b/tumblr_nvhilyU39J1qcxymno4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=b8860b][b]Location:[/b][/color] Qasr El Nil Barracks [/center][hr][hr] [hider=Qasr El Nil Barracks] [center][img]http://www.g7smy.co.uk/war/02/barracks.jpg[/img][/center] [sub][/sub] [/hider] Reginald shook his head slowly, expressing lament as the pair of them were shuffled off by the man from the Cairo Prison. He gave it a good wait, merely observing those still present in the meantime. He carefully attended the plate of breakfast still before him even though it looked very much like the hour for it was coming to a close. As it turns out, speaking frankly to multiple persons about matters of civil importance took time, and communicating in a manner of respectability demanded that he stop inserting food into his gullet. Otherwise, certain breaches of etiquette would have occurred that really shouldn't in polite, civilized environs. Such bandying about was best left for when he was in the field, after the meat of their little adventure began. Thinking about just that brought the smile back to his face and warmed the cockles of his heart. Maybe the sub-cockles. Maybe even lower. All he knew was, now that the Corporal and the odd pairing of Reporter and Starlet were otherwise occupied for the next stretch of time, he could attend to his official duties to the newformed Fellowship. To begin with, the Lord Major called upon one of the sentries in position, speaking with a voice of authority. [color=b8860b]"Soldier! Yes, you... Come along, then! I require you to pay a visit to Supply. Tell the Sergeant on duty that I require a full reckoning of our present inventory against par, accounting for our present garrison! You tell him to give me a full accounting of how much we have and of what, in surplus or dearth. [i]And[/i] the next full supply delivery."[/color] [color=b8860b]"In brief, I want to know what personnel supplies we have in excess, and when everything will be replaced. What we can comfortably spare. If that isn't clear, you have him come see me immediately. I shall be situated in my office for the remainder of the morning, barring emergency. Quickly now! One two, one two, one two..."[/color] He swiveled briskly on his heel, snatching up a small plate of pastry and small jug of tea. [color=b8860b]"If anyone has questions or wishes a short conversation (and I do mean short), I shall be in my office in Main. In the meantime, please continue to enjoy the hospitality of the Qasr El Nil Military barracks. Any restricted areas will be pointed out to you be strapping lads with rifles nearby, the Bar is open, and do inform the sentry on duty at the main gate should you wish to leave. Otherwise, consider these rooms (and the Club, of course) our Fellowship's collective refuge for plotting and the like, until more appropriate accommodations can be had."[/color] [color=b8860b]Ladies, gentlemen... Good Morning."[/color] He walked from the room to pursue his dailies and make the appropriate calls promised the previous evening.