[hider=Donnel][h3][sup][center][b] DONNEL UMIAKTORVIK [/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b] 28 | Canadian | E [/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [hr][hr] [color=gray] [b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202923516461066/332620310199402496/Blink.gif[/img] Donnel is brown skinned and with a dark brown almond-shaped eye. He has a broad nose and straight black hair, his cheeks are broad and he possesses a strong jaw. His right eye has been replaced with a cybernetic one, a telescopic thing that looks like a sniper scope was jammed into his head. He shaves infrequently, and currently wears a short black beard. His hair is well taken care of and groomed excessively, resting upon his scalp almost as if it were painted-on. He is 5'4" and yet surprisingly heavy for that height, mainly due to his cybernetic enhancements, but also due to his musculature. Donnel is lean but very muscular. Donnel carries a serious look about him most times, and his face betrays little of his thoughts. Donnel's clothing is simple but somehow stylish, involving a lot of hoodies and straight-cut jeans. He never wears dark clothing except when in uniform, as dark colors draw in the sun, a fact which Donnel does not appreciate. He makes no effort to hide his cybernetic eye or arms, wearing them proudly and even painting on the arms, changing up the design day by day. He washes them off when in uniform however. [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202923516461066/332620310199402496/Blink.gif[/img] [indent]╬ Affable ╬ Cautious [color=black]╬[/color] Self-loathing [color=black]╬[/color] Aggressive[/indent] [i]Donnel is constantly trying to escape his past, and his constant refusals to let it define him have lead to a unique individual. Donnel is hateful of both his past and present selves, mostly due to his anger at his failings and choices, and he struggles to keep himself calm in stressful situations. Despite all of this, Donnel is happy to repent for his past and is quite friendly. More than willing to do the right thing in order to redeem himself, Donnel is both a kind and trustworthy officer of the law, attempting to act as the only sane man in a crazy world.[/i] [b]H I S T O R Y[/b][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202923516461066/332620310199402496/Blink.gif[/img] Donnel was born in the tundral northern Nunavut territory of Canada. Donnel's mother was of Inuit descent, though Donnel's father was White. Donnel's mother was a prostitute by trade, also an alcoholic and a drug abuser, her case wasn't unique in the poor Inuit lands, what was unique was her son's birth. Having shown up suddenly at a hospital already in labour, she refused to give the name of the child's father and died the day after of liver failure, expedited by the stress of childbirth. Donnel was tossed among foster families as he grew, but proved too wild and unruly to be permanently adopted by any of them. One night when he was thirteen, he fled from the home of his final foster family, walking away into the night. Donnel quickly found himself involved in criminal activities, they gave him a sense of family he never had before, and he proved quite successful in his chosen career, racking up a large amount of money which he hid intelligently. Donnel found himself introspective, his birth father's name unknown to him, his mother's refusal to tell, he began to suspect he was a child of rape. This was what began his self-loathing, as he believed his existence was a consequence of a terrible thing in his mother's past, and that he didn't deserve to be alive. He became far less cautious, and in a shootout between two gangs, he found himself horrifically wounded by a thrown grenade, his right arm blown off at the elbow and his right eye destroyed by shrapnel. Pooling up what money he had left, he spent almost all of it on surgery to replace his arm and fix his eye. After doing so, he began to value his own life far more, and decided to begin a search for his birth father. After a long search, he found the man living in Denmark. After a conversation with the man, he learned that not only was his mother actually from Greenland, his conception was perfectly consensual, in fact, for a time they were planning to be married. Donnel's existence was an accident, he was conceived in Greenland while the couple were living together, when his mother discovered she was pregnant, his father pleaded with her to abort the pregnancy. Unwilling to do so, she fled to Canada, leaving her old life behind in order to ensure that her child survived. Her refusal to name the father may have been out of spite towards the man for his actions, and now that he was face-to-face with his adolescent son, Donnel's father finally understood her choices. Donnel forgave his father, and promised to speak to him as often as he could, though he refused to change his last name, as it was the last thing his mother had given him. Donnel, deciding to actually make something of his life, enlisted in the Canadian Army, hiding his criminal past with the aid of his father, who was a former politician and thus knew how to hide embarrassing details of one's past. Donnel was trained as a sniper, and showed immense talent, seeing this, the military loaned him to the United States as a candidate for a new prototype cybernetic enhancement. This prototype was granted to him, replacing his original replacement right eye. It was also during this time that Donnel replaced his left arm. He served with distinction, before being discharged and leaving the army. He moved to the island of New Jisei, seeking work opportunities in the relatively new city. An ex-military man with a prototype superweapon his head applying to be an officer of the law was a no-brainer for the head of PubSec, and Donnel joined the force soon after as a reconnaissance and support specialist. [b]I N V E N T O R Y[/b][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202923516461066/332620310199402496/Blink.gif[/img] [color=fff200]╬[/color] Telescopic Eye: Donnel's right eye is an impressive piece of cybernetic machinery. Utilized as a scouting tool and scope for weaponry, the scope is able to see up to 20 kilometers away, and has multiple modes, including spotting body heat and heartbeat, switchable with a thought. Due to his eye, Donnel is unable to use VR headsets, as they do not fit. ╬ Standard Issue Vest ╬ Sniper Rifle: Purchased during his time as a criminal, Donnel's sniper rifle is a heavy caliber piece of military-grade weaponry. It has no scope due to Donnel not needing one, and is able to break bones through the sheer percussive force. [color=fff200]╬[/color] Cybernetic Arms: Donnel's arms have both been replaced by a pair of cybernetic arms, basically bog-standard, but their joints are lockable, allowing Donnel to steady his aim better than any other sniper. A number of supports along his body allow his arms an incredible amount of strength as well. [color=fff200]╬[/color] Recon Drone: Donnel is the proud owner of a recon drone, which he is able to control via cybernetic implant. Armed with a taser and a number of cameras, this drone is not combat-capable, and is mostly used for scouting. [b]O T H E R[/b][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202923516461066/332620310199402496/Blink.gif[/img] ╬ Donnel was named by his first foster family. ╬ Donnel's last name, if he had chosen to take that of his father, would have been "Pedersen" ╬ Donnel speaks a respectable amount of Danish, and barely any Japanese. [/color] [/hider] Right, here he is, any issues will be fixed!