[center][img]http://thehitavada.com/Encyc/2017/3/3/404_02_12_52_Proud_of_action_tag_Actor_Vidyut_Jammwal_H@@IGHT_800_W@@IDTH_800.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][sup][center][b] Biff Hellcat [/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b] 45 | American | L [/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][img]cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202…[/img] Hellcat stands at 5'10, with an imposing physique. His hair is naturally peppered, but usually dyed black. His skin is rough from years of 'hard work', and his facial hair is never seen as more than a five o'clock shadow. He sports Aviator sunglasses at almost all times, his hair slicked back with so much grease that it shimmers at the slightest hint of light. He's seldom spotted without a cigar between his lips. His voice has taken a toll, and he has a booming and gravelly voice. On his right hand are four heavy gold rings, the faces worn from bashing dorks during his 15 year tenure on the force. He wears a leather jacket with the PubSec badge super-glued onto the left of his chest. The jacket is scratched and well-worn, but taken good care of. He wears blue jeans and police-issue boots. The spitting image of a hero. [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][img]cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202…[/img] [indent]╬ Cool ╬ Fearless ╬ Not Racist [color=black]╬[/color] Asshole [color=black]╬[/color] Aggressive [color=black]╬[/color] Drug Addict [color=black]╬[/color] Poor [color=black]╬[/color] Delusional[/indent] It is often argued on the streets whether Biff Hellcat is immortal. Those who have come into contact with him note an air of bravado unmatched by any living creature. Those close to him, however, know that his adrenal glands are three times the size of a normal person's, but he has no fight or flight response. Biff Hellcat only has a fight response. Biff is easy to manipulate, and difficult to sway. [b]H I S T O R Y[/b][img]cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202…[/img] Biff was born in the United States, was valedictorian of his class in New Midtown, New New York. He went NM community college for acting, and ten years later, gave up and moved to New Jisei. Biff lives in an apartment with Zach Nato's crippled grandfather, Goonster Nato. He soon joined the force and put minimal effort into beating the shit out of thugs, with great effect. To this day, Biff has yet to make a single arrest, and despite having been fired for excessive brutality and drug abuse on numerous occasions, he has always been able to procure a badge and rejoin the force through unknown, possibly illegal means. He is a shining example of corruption in the system. [b]I N V E N T O R Y[/b][img]cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281202…[/img] ╬ 2x Standard-Issue PubSec Semi-Auto Pistols ╬ Meaford Industries™ Dork Smasher™ Billy Club, Model 2.