"I'm really hoping the secretive part of it all will disappear soon now that we're signed on. It all is kind of exciting though. It's like being a secret agent or something." Sky said with a small grin at the thought. He said this company was good to him. It probably wouldn't be too bad then. The idea of seeing her ancestors life was pretty damn intriguing! The music calmed her nerves a little as she rocked back and forth on the heels of her converse. This was all a lot to take in. As a child she'd never thought she'd basically sell herself away, then again she never thought she'd kiss someone she wasn't dating either. God, she had been an awful human being! No matter how hard things had been she shouldn't have done that. This being said the idiot should have just talked to her instead of writing a letter about what they were going to do now. If she had been able to just tell him back then, maybe things wouldn't have been so messed up. The past was the past though. It'd stay there until it could just be put behind them. "I actually came here just to figure out if I would be coming on board. Currently I work with a computer company downtown as a inspector and coder. It feels a bit strange to give up a regular job for something like this. You`re probably going to think I`m nuts but something about all of this seems natural. There isn`t any sense of second thoughts that usually comes with such a change." She probably sounded crazy. The last couple months she had been living a stable life. She lived in a one bedroom apartment 15 minutes away from her job. It was a pretty nice place on the forth floor. The plants that littered the place, along with how she decorated it, made it feel like a comfortable fairytale escape. Every day she went to work and came home, occasionally going out with people. This being said she had moved away from here a year after they broke up. While taking online classes she traveled around the country and few times out of it. Sky met a lot of people along the way but for the most part she`s just been on her own. It was going to be strange to be constantly around others again. "How long have you been working here?" She asked looking over at him as the elevator doors slide open.