[@Write][@Plank Sinatra][@Krayzikk][@Kafka Komedy] [b][url=https://youtu.be/GsHoDndFkA0]Sasori and Co. Investigations[/url][/b] "Let's hope they're darbs and touch before Old Scratch gives a good poke." If the kids were dropping their nickels on the caper, even knowing there'd be a heavy wrecking crew, then he'd have to take them. They were already deep with the city's queer, even if their iron men weren't fully around. None of them were just gonna take a thumb, and definitely not the bearcat, not when Nuts and Bolts' circuits thought she was a real yegg. If he got their number right, they were hard guys who wouldn't go without knowing the score. Shamus like him wasn't. But if a big jam they couldn't tangle with wanted to know what was tricks, he wanted them to dust it before any characters tried to send them upriver. "Without the bird, I'm gonna go hit up some stool-pigeons," said Sasori, rising from his chair. "Come along if you want. If not, try to dodge any mills with the foreign fingers."