Daisy climbed down from the pew and waited for everyone to finish their searches. She wasn't going to find anything she wanted on any of the bodies, and wasn't going to keep much, if anything, anyway. She gave a casual glance over to the pendant held by Ary, and while it seemed familiar, it didn't ring any bells - and believe me, if it had, Daisy would be singing along proudly. She did take a chance to find something useful in one of the rooms, but only managed to see that it was in fact a desk, so returned to the main chapel. On the other hand, someone was now offering her something. It took her a moment to realize what it was that - oh, that's who it was! - Ceria was offering her. She really didn't have much of a use for drake sca- okay, that was a lie. She had someone back home who would enjoy them in a few years time, so long as she spent the time to turn them into a necklace or something. And maybe she'd have a more socially acceptable second parent to bring back, too! "Thank you! These are...always good to have!" This didn't interfere with her vow like money would have, either. Way better than anything she could have picked up, too. In the end, Daisy's cheeks just turned the deep purple that represented her blush. >Nat 1 on investigation roll of desk.