[h3][color=limegreen]Hasabe Evans[/color][/h3] [@Crusader Lord] The first moment Faber looked away, Hasabe was already gone. He was just there a second ago, though... Oh, no. Has he been taken away? Did Assassin strike him the moment Faber looked away? She already knew her Master was incompetant in Magecraft, but was he so weak, he would get taken or even killed off the moment the Holy Grail War kicked off? Nope. He was just getting a broom, dust pan, and a trashbag. He started to sweep up the remains of the relic at once. While he was cleaning the mess he made, Hasabe began to think [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/a/ab/Snakeman.png/revision/latest?cb=20100509154931]just what kind of Servant would this catalyst even summon, anyway?[/url] After all that is said and done, he tossed the remains of it into the trashbag, wrapping the bag around its remains into a nice rectangle before putting it on a chair. [color=limegreen]"I'll put it away when I'm done eating. Haven't really eaten anything yet today..."[/color] Hasabe told Faber, yawning. According to Faber, she's an extra Servant. It's pretty odd though, how the Holy Grail works, but Hasabe figured that his half-assed ritual netted him an extra Servant anyway. Not that he thought Faber was half-assed. He'd just sometime wished she didn't nag on him too much. [color=limegreen]"I don't really get it, honestly... why you're a 'fake,' I mean. If anything, I think I summoned you a bit earlier... wouldn't that mean I wouldn't get an Extra? Well, I guess it isn't something to worry about too much. Do you want to go to the Church, now, then? There might be a few other enemy Servants there right now... do you think it'd be a better idea to head over there tomorrow? I know a few routes we can drive through to the Church, a few of which only locals around here would know, so getting ambushed along the way wouldn't seem too likely..."[/color] Hasabe took a pizza slice for himself, taking a bite from it. He indeed ordered a Meat Lovers pizza. He wanted to watch his cholesterol, so he normally doesn't order pizza with too much meat, but Saber seems to like it, so he can't really argue with it too much. Plus, he normally manages to eat only one or two slices, anyway... how does she eat that fast?