"Yah, is Torsken Nakatik," Sergei muttered, being extra careful to take the bottle from V's hand. He inspected the inner contents closely. "If is Torsken Nakatik, then if I shake . . ." He gave the bottle an experimental swish. When he did so, the leaf bits inside began to glow a brilliant greenish-blue. "Ah!" he exclaimed. "Good, good, yes! I buy!" He took out his little coin purse, then meandered down to the counter and began counting out the coins. "Two . . . three . . . this south land, yes? Use little yellow one?" coins from all corners of the world clattered on the countertop, and he sorted them slowly. Occasionally, some of them would slip off the counter, and he would mutter a little "hask clata!" or a "ernge ulsed!" as he bent down to pick them back up.