Camilla let out a yelp, of terror. The thing was enormous, and covered in ropy muscle, its knuckles alone were the size of melons. Casually the thing threw the two halves of the Brettonian in separate directions and then let out a foetid raw. Black sludge of some sort poured from the things mouth in a gyser that stank of bile and rotting vegetaion. Where the black sludge splatterd the deck bubbled and hissed, one man was screaming cluthing at his face as he staggered blindly around the deck. "Troll!" Reiner screamed although he was already running back down the length of the ship towards the thing. Camilla pulled one of her new pistols pointed and pulled the trigger. The flint snapped forward but didn't catch and Camilla cursed and pulled the second weapon and level it. This one did fire and though it wasn't a question of hitting the beast, not at this range. It gave no sign that it even noticed the shot. With a roar the thing smashed its hands down on the bulkhead railing shattering the heavy timbers like kindling. Men screamed as splinters slammed into them, quilling them with inch long pieces of wood. Camilla cast her eyes around for some sort of heavier weapon to use, confident her epee would be worse than useless. She settled on a heavy marlin spike and scooped it up, looking for an opening. [@POOHEAD189]