[img] http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] [b] “Ya one of those vegans or some shit like that?”[/b] [color=darkorchid]“I wouldn’t say that I’m a Vegan…”[/color] she says before pausing for a little [color=darkorchid]“More that I have to avoid most meats, with the exception to fish.”[/color] The tone of honesty not belying the fact that she actually did enjoy red meat. She would smile deliberately showing off her fangs, a typical sign of a carnivorous species. [b] “Mom was a human, dad was a gorgon.”[/b] Her eyes would widen in response to a perceived shock, something that was ingrained as a habit into all creatures that had eyes. [color=darkorchid]“you mean you have wings too?”[/color] she would ask the note of curiosity overwhelming in her voice. She had read at one point that Gorgons were often winged females with snakes for hair. The truth of this she had never verified well, she had never encountered a gorgon, or well not that she was aware of. [b] “God damn,”[/b] She heard Stride say as their orders were placed down before them. It was at this point that Cienna realized exactly how hungry she was. Having all but skipped her dinner the night before and then using a lot of magic in her darkened rage. She was famished and if any noticed her wings would quiver a little behind her back as she began to pick apart her salad using her wings and the slight breeze they generated to ‘see’ her food. Barely a word was spoken as she sat there eating her salad in her pedantic method. If asked she would say that the salad was as good as it had ever been though in truth she could barely taste it and all too soon her plate was devoid of all vegetation. Cienna had noted a peculiarity to the sound of strides eating, a sound of fabric moving over what she might say is scales or maybe it was rough skin? She was not entirely sure though it did pique her curiosity no the meal was done she decided to ask about it. [color=darkorchid]“Do you wear a face mask?”[/color] the question in and of itself full of innocence. [b]“That was a helluva meal. Thanks again, lady. I’ll get the tip, since you’re payin’ n’ all that.”[/b] [color=darkorchid]“I don’t see a problem”[/color] with that Cienna would say with a nod as she made a signal and the waiter came scurrying over to them [color=darkorchid]“Can I get the cheque please”[/color] she would ask as gently as she could before adding [color=darkorchid]“As usual best salad in town.”[/color] The waiter would smile at that and state that he would let the chef know before almost prancing away to fetch the bill for the pair, returning not long after with it. [@EchoicChamber]