Reiner had collected himself well enough, seeing the monster as just another thing to kill once the mystery of what had stopped the barge was solved. "Load and aim!" He called, as men scurried and shakily aimed their weapons at the monster. Crossbow bolts thudded into it, only a few actually making it cringe in any sign of pain. The crack of firearms accompanied it, puncturing holes that began to knit themselves back together even as the Troll grunted from the impact of so many. Cyrdic waited for the missiles to be spent so he wouldn't get hit in the back, and when he saw that only slightly wounded the thing, he cursed. He cried out to Sigmar and Ulric, and sprinted forward, joining a few of the more brave swordsmen and halberdiers (and Camilla) as they charged. The Troll was more annoyed than anything, its soaked and leathery flesh absorbing or spitting out the projectiles with tiny, wet sounds. Cyrdic had never faced a troll before, but he'd heard plenty of stories. There was always a first time for everything... The Troll swept a huge arm in a swinging arc, sweeping over the soldiers that charged. Out of the dozen, three were knocked away. One hit the cabin of the ship, and the other two flew into the water as if clubbed by a giant. Cyrdic ducked under the lumbering swing, and as the halberds pierced the Troll's flesh, he sprinted past the far-reaching polearms and sliced open the Troll's belly. Reiner hacked at its Knee with his sword, gritting his teeth. The beast roared in pain as Cyrdic's runic sword cut into it. At first, he thought he killed it. But soon enough, he saw the flesh repairing itself, albeit more slowly than most wounds it had taken. He wasn't sure if that was because it had already been greatly damaged, or because his weapon was magical in nature. The Troll opened its great maw, and suddenly acid was regurgitated from its throat and onto the deck. Cyrdic barely leaped out of the way, part of his cloak having been incinerated from the terrifying and smelly bile. It screeched and wailed as more missiles and melee weapons punctured its body, and it grabbed a swordman to use as a club, swinging him to and fro to knocked aside halberdiers. The soldier slammed into Cyrdic, sending him flying back across the deck, skidding until he hit the stairs. "Find lamp oil!" he croaked, the wind having been knocked out of him. "Anything we can burn!" Reiner seemed to have had a similar idea, calling for gunpowder or ale. He got to his knees again, cringing as the Troll tossed its makeshift club of a corpse into some crossbowmen who were reloading. [@Penny]