"Has anybody considered the possibility that this tunnel might be known to the rogs as well, if not even one of their known approach routes." An-Hasst asked, wisely. [color=royalblue]"I doubt that, An-Hasst."[/color] she replied [color=royalblue]"There is no way they'd be able to move as many of themselves as they had in such a short time. They'd still be pouring out by the time we got here if there were."[/color] She couldn't claim she was an expert at underground combat, but she'd been travelling with Geradin in the dwarven realms for too long not to at least have a feel for it. "As we say in Vrettonnia, 'The fog of doubt is only lifted at the end of the road." she looked around and saw her sentiment mainly fell on deaf ears. Well she liked the saying anyway, and with that she promptly ducked in and followed behind Geradin. [hr] Alice was beginning to grow tired of scraping her arms against jutting cavernous walls. Her minds eye envisioned through the darkness her skin red raw and her sleeves tattered into oblivion. She had been forced to extinguish her magical lights after Geradin and a few others picked up definite sounds of pursuit. While there was no doubt that any following Rogs would find them sooner or later, extinguishing the light meant that it would be easier for the party to ambush them should they catch up. Instead of trying to delve through her bag she tried the old trick she'd developed in a war against some goblins, and she kept her hands on each of Geradin's shoulders. He expertly navigated the slightly slick and rough terrain with his years of experience, and having her hands on his shoulders meant that she could gauge the ground quite well from his rising and falling or his going around a particular rock. It wasn't a perfect manner of travel, and she'd give many many things for a torch, but it was good enough. At some point Old-Ursa had rejoined them, she supposed transforming his way back because of the dank and cramped conditions. Curiously he didn't seem to remember the fight, or was playing it off as if he hadn't. Lycanthropy (or whatever it was called with bears) was a subject known in depth by only a few back at her home, and she'd never had the chance to learn much about it so she supposed that could amnesia could be a case. Suddenly Geradin came to a stop, and the slightly less heavy and moist air made her thing that they may have come to the cavern he had inferred was here somewhere. She decided to ask anyway [color=royalblue]"What do your Dwarf eyes see?"[/color] she ended up whispering, realising promptly after it had probably been some base inclination to whisper in the dark, and of the dangers she couldn't see. She shook her head and recomposed herself before speaking up. [color=royalblue]"Is this the cavern you told us of?"[/color] [@POOHEAD189][@Banana][@BCTheEntity][@Fetzen]