[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170727/289a46920195e3ec34b8784bf3931046.png[/img][/center] "Fair enough. It's hard to adjust at first, I mean at least it was for me. I was extremely relieved when I wasn't sent to jail, so I thought I was going to catch a break, but nope...this place only gives you the illusion of freedom, whereas if you get sent to jail you know from the start what you've gotten yourself into." As they approached the classroom, she looked through the narrow glass opening on the door. "Damn, they've already started. Sometimes you can't catch a break," Lacey shrugged her shoulders, opening the door and briefly holding it for the new kid. She could tell she had some eyes on her as she headed straight for one of the empty seats in the back as a feeble attempt to avoid bringing as much attention to her as possible. [@KatherinWinter]