[color=f26522]CELESTE BROWN[/color] - Sandy Coves Inn Celeste sighed in satisfaction as she straightened up and looked over the fruits of her labour. The kitchen [i]sparkled[/i] -- well, as much as the centuries-old Formica and plastic could, she supposed -- and she'd be more than proud to cook up light snacks for her guests in such a place. The robot hissed and bleeped behind her. "Most excellent work, Manager Celeste!" it complimented. "Thanks!" she chirped, wiping sweat from her brow. "Now, on to that dining room." "I've already taken the liberty of clearing out the, ahem, [i]deceased[/i] and the most irreparable pieces of furniture, then followed up with a general sweep and tidy." Celeste blinked. "Wow! You sure are fast!" "Actually, if my computations are correct, I am operating at only 71% efficiency due to years of being stuck in an idle loop," the robot muttered. "What?" "No matter, Manager! If you're finished with that solution of Abraxo, I will freshen it up and get to cleaning the room, proper." "Oh, sure," Celeste stepped out of the way to allow the robot to access her dirty water bucket. "Do you want some help?" "That's not necessary. I'll have the place mopped up in a jiffy." Celeste's stomach growled. "Well, if you're sure, I might just freshen up and see if I can find myself something to eat." "Splendid plan, Manager!" Celeste meandered back into her room and put her bag onto her freshly-made bed to root through her clothes. She selected a pink blouse with a bird motif and changed her top. After combing her hair, she went back into the kitchen and swept all the scavenged caps into her coin purse (about twenty-five, by her count) and stepped back out into the town. The air had cooled significantly and Celeste was taken aback by how much time had passed while she'd scrubbed out her kitchen. She wandered down the street to see lights on in the diner where she'd met Barney earlier in the day. Her stomach growled again, as if in response. She walked in the door to see a grubby looking man, a blonde, a brunette, and a super mutant all at the bar. “To new friends and a new home, CHEERS!!!” cried the brunette, raising her bottle in the air. The blonde seemed to hesitate but joined her companion in the social salute. Celeste took a breath and approached the bar. The barkeep was puffing on a cigarette and smirking towards the brunette, having said something Celeste couldn't hear. She drew up next to the grubby man and pulled herself onto a stool, resting her bosom directly onto the countertop. "Hi!" she smiled. "Nice diner! What's that amazing smell? Some kind of stew?" Celeste put a few caps onto the counter. "I'll take some." She looked between the barkeep and the other patrons. "I'm Celeste!" she chimed by way of introduction. "I just got into town today. -- Oh! Hi, Barney!" she waved at the man on the other side. Barney mumbled and took a drink from his glass. "Anyways," she continued, "I've been tidying up ol' Sandy Coves, just over that way," she pointed out the diner in the direction of the building. "It's an inn! So, if anyone needs a place to stay, I'll be happy to fix you up with a room!"